
“If somebody put a gun to your head, what would you do? Call the police.”

There’s something reassuring about realizing that the same commenters are consistently assholes from thread to thread.

you’re not, i love both of them

Do we think its intentional that the way this was shot makes her crown look like its actually a Snapchat filter?

Also thiiiis 😍

They’re cute, some of y’all are just negative. I mean.

Here’s a dramatic re-creation of Kanye’s speechwriting process:

Artists are important. People are getting shot in Chicago. Taylor! Ray-J! JOBS DISNEY FORD KANYE!

No, I listen to a lot of her music. It doesn’t mean I have to worship her and be excited about every appearance she makes. It’s 24/7.

This is how it’s done.

The other eye still starts to close. That is so endearing.

I just want him to perform “I Love Kanye,” because that song is the fucking BEST.

Now playing

Letting him call the shots creatively can produce some amazing stuff.

She is also probably waiting for the bad kanye press to blow over completely. Not smart to try and drop an album while the internet still kinda thinks your a shitty person