
Hah yep you gotta dive deep for the good stuff

That's not what he did? Man, I really don't know anatomy.

6'1-ish, 160-170 pounds?

I recently rewatched it on a small screen, many years after my first viewing, and the action sequences (ground transport escape early on, the final escape from the colony) with the music scoring that sounds like a lot of dramatic string instruments and banging on lots of metal things —- was pleased to find still

Yeah Eric Andre to me is a lot like the other Adult Swim shows post- Sealab 2021 : funny in a smartly weird way up until the point that the show a couple of seasons in just starts getting visually gross.

Leslie Jones is really not my cup of tea.

Was listening to the episode through headphones and had to rewind the old HBO GO to confirm the now-patented Pycelle surprised/scared old man squeaker.

Memorable moments from The Disco Godfather I've carried in my brain for over 20 years:
1. When the extra leading the "Attack the Wack" rally against PCP gets tripped up and then catches herself, saying "we need to wack the attack…. on PCP". No problem for Rudy Ray - moving on!
2. When [SPOILER] the bad guys catch

The meta-knowledge that he did that , completely naked, down the side of a busy freeway hill, certainly without any permits or location clearing, made it that much more incredible.

A VHS copy of Dolemite was watched in my circle of friends a lot in college.

You don't even know who he is!

If I paid attention correctly (and I might not have , multitasking) my money's on Eugene.

"Gauntlet monster machine" - love it.

Prose-wise, I read this book directly after reading some David Foster Wallace short stories and got the literary bends from the rapid change of quality.

Is there a chance that this news will somehow influence my local tv station to start showing Simpsons re-runs from seasons 2 through 8 that I can DVR, instead of the see-sawing rut between seasons 16 and 22 in which they seem to be mired?

My wife and I also caught it in the theater at an Alamo Drafthouse in Austin on a "leave the kids with the grandparents" getaway weekend, going to tour our old alma mater (UT).
Daresay we both bonded over our enjoyment of Drive, and my wife's not one for movies with the kind of shocking violence that Drive had in

I've enjoyed more than less this season, but this episode just kept ringing all the dumb bells.
To start with a really really minor point, so Rosalita found some pants but can't quite let go of her favorite pair of snaggable, grabble hoop earrings?
Glenn, that whole forging ahead into the obvious tunnel of death thing

1) Daryl, you are driving in zombie country. Let somebody else fidget with the radio fer chrissake; you might notice massive zombie swarms that way. Also a calm three point turn might have gotten fewer zombie corpses trapped under the back axle. but hey, tractionless spinning tire kill FTW!

Hey Dr. S, Herschel was nice enough to risk his life and bring everybody some soothing elderberry tea - you mind not coughing possibly infected blood directly into his face? You're a doctor, cough into your elbow like you were trained to do.

Wait, so there was no part of their approach to the Sav-Mart where they could see the crashed chopper and horde of zombies atop the second-story rooftop?