Only a fool fucks with Phelps when he’s in compete mode.
And fuck all this nonsense about him partying when he’s not swimming. That man has spent more time honing himself into the perfect swimmer than any of us have spent doing anything (including jerking off). He ought to have a life permit to party the fuck down…
Don’t know you and I hate THE but fuuuuck you. He dismissed a player for choking out his girlfriend and you say that shit? With everything going on in Baylor.. Tennessee.. And you crucify him for doing the right thing? Fuck you man.
All in favor of making Boar Monday a thing say “Aye.”
As for Crowell admitting he was wrong and acted out of rage — Loomis says, “You’re a grown ass man, and you claim you were too emotional to know it was wrong? Think we’ll accept your apology? Kiss my ass.”
do you really eagerly await the 2017 NBA Draft? I cry for you, Big Bill.
Typical herb post
No one cares Kevin.
Are you sure the Warriors fans at the A’s game weren’t just encouraging Meredith Vieira to cut to the head of the line to the ladies room?
“Me too!”
No, I tried to edit a mistake and ended up double posting. I suck. But so does this commenting feature sometimes.
Hasn’t he been punished enough?
Probably there to find one of the home team fans and hit them. We know how much he likes assaulting Athletic supporters.
Or Game 6 at home?
As a clevelander fuck everyone. Thank god we are finally in the finals and once again fuck everyone. If you’re from Canada fuck you and especially if you’re from anyone who isn’t from Cleveland.
Im a lifetime Cavs fan, and I won’t smile at this guy. This is becoming a problem in the league.
Golden State is the most over-hyped team I have ever seen. Not to mention arrogant. All of that talk of Greatest Team Ever, Better than the MJ Bulls, and Dynasty is such a joke. Hubris hurts, don’t it?
So if Green gets suspended, OKC wins the series, and then Cleveland wins the finals, that would make Dahntay Jones the team MVP.