James Booth

I finally watched it tonight with my friends and we all loved it. We've enjoyed AHS over the years, so it's always something we look forward to. Excited to see where this season goes.

I didn't know that, but even when you look it up, it's showing up as a mystery with multiple theories. It doesn't seem to provide anything conclusive from what I can see, but maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

Ah ok. I was just curious- I've never seen him in interviews or anything, but I generally tend to know most gay YA authors through my book blogging and he wasn't one of them, lol.

Daniel Handler aka Lemony Snicket? or some other one? What makes you think that?

I absolutely ADORE Tim Gunn. I got to meet him a few years back at Book Expo America in NYC where he was signing samplers of one of his books. He was only supposed to be signing for an hour, but he stayed and signed for as long as he could (at least an extra hour or so) until he had to go do the taping for The

Not sure if this really fits, but one song that always gets me is "Travelin' Soldier" by Dixie Chicks. It makes me tear up so easily, which also makes it difficult to sing along to, lol. But it's such an emotional, tragic song.

I never knew that. Not even on the individual movie DVD? I wonder what the reasoning for that was. I have both movie DVDs as well as the complete series.

I guess that's one of those things that doesn't bother me. I don't mind when movie adaptations aren't exactly the same or misses some of the more in-depth aspects. I try to enjoy it as a separate entity that happens to share the same plot and name as a book I love.

I wrote my review of it on Goodreads the other day and she liked it! That pretty much made my month.

I'm not a die-hard fan of the movie, but I do really enjoy it when I watch it and I do remember loving it a LOT as a kid. Reading this made me want to re-watch Matilda (and also Mrs. Doubtfire, which I haven't watched as often).

I got a chance to read an advance copy of this not too long ago and I absolutely loved it. I immediately said yes when I was approached about reviewing it because I love Mara Wilson in her early films and now as a writer. This book really showcases her storytelling talent and it was interesting to read about her times

Well, it was a mutual decision between them and Yunjin Kim to do that. Before this season started, she mentioned to them about wanting to leave after this season to do other things and apparently, they'd already been toying around with doing something big with her character to finish off her storyline.

That sucks. Their homestyle fries are the best!

I am so excited to see this!! I'm behind on the series, but loved the first book immensely and am excited it's getting adapted into a Hulu show.

You can still get the homestyle fries there; I always ask for them because I really don't like the curly fries. But I love their chicken tenders and the homestyle fries.

That's why I never get fries to go. By the time I make it home, they're crap.

McDonald's fries are definitely the best, when they're cooked right. I've had some times where they're too soggy or just not right, and it's a letdown. My other particular favorites are the McChicken biscuit, Chickfila biscuit/sandwich, Pizza Hut's pan pizza and Popeyes' chicken tenders.

What does Ghostbusters have to do with this article? The only thing ghost-related in here was a show called Ghostwriter, which has no affiliation with Ghostbusters as far as I know.

She went back to folk music with her latest album Picking Up the Pieces, which was out last September. It's really good and very personal- probably her best album ever (though I've loved all her albums).

Yeah, if it was Landslide, I'm more familiar with the Dixie Chicks cover than anything else, and when I first heard that, I didn't realize it was a cover until I saw them perform on VH1 Divas with Stevie Nicks. :P That happens with me a lot- I don't realize a lot of songs are covers (like I had no idea that Cascada's