James Booth

Wayside School books were my favorites growing up! And Recess was another favorite TV show of mine- I wish they'd release it on DVD.

Charmed is still one of my absolute favorite shows. I re-watch it occasionally, whether on TV or popping in one of the DVDs (I also own a lot of the novels they released). But I'm definitely in the minority of liking Seasons 4-6 the most as the majority of people love 1-3. I remember when it was first airing how I

I still need to read this series. I met Sabaa at a book festival last year and got a signed copy of The Ember in the Ashes. I still have yet to read it, but I've been hearing such wonderful things about it that I really need to make time to get around to it, esp. now that there's this one and two more coming.

She's certainly the one who's had the longest singing career- the others had solo albums, but Melanie C/Sporty is the only one who's actually consistently putting them out. She's had 6 solo albums since 2000 and several live DVDs.

I love Billy and pretty much everything he does, though I still have yet to watch Difficult People. I can't wait for the new season of Billy on the Street- I wish they'd release a date soon!

LOL true. But I guess I wasn't really meaning it like that- just that she is white (which I know is still an odd way to say it), and I specifically mentioned Hawaiian-born since the movie takes place in Hawaii and then mentioned Tia's lineage as a woman of color.

True. Lilo is voiced by a girl born in America, Nani is voiced by a Hawaiian-born actress with "Filipino, Chinese and Spanish ancestry", so one of two ain't bad, lol.

Lilo and Stitch is perhaps one of my most favorite movies ever, animated or not (Top 5 probably). It's one I re-watch and think about a lot. And that scene with Stitch talking about how he found this family all on his own and it's little and broken but still good never fails to send me into tears; it's so beautiful. I

Not much on the YA side of things so I'll chime in with a few of my faves from this year (I run a YA review blog) (Also, I suck at book descriptions so check them out on Amazon or Goodreads for a better summary):

Yeah I loved the show growing up and watched it as it aired, but I remember none of the music used, lol. So it never bothered me watching the episodes on DVD now with the music changes.

Yeah I saw those posters too and was really excited for it, and now it's been pushed back so much. Glad it's finally coming out now (hopefully it stays that way)!

I think I read somewhere that they would be showing the occasional music video, but who knows. Also, if you like Daria a lot, the whole series has been released on DVD. It's a pretty good set.

Definitely. Also, there were some things in the trailer that weren't in the final film, one of the things being Mother saying "She's been a man before, you know." at the wedding. I also liked the "Thursday" callback, and Patsy's adult film past too.

I just came back from watching this with my two best friends and absolutely loved it! They hadn't seen the show before, but were coming along for the popcorn and because it did look interesting to them. They enjoyed it a lot, but I definitely think there's an added layer of jokes (and some information) from having

That is very true too, but she wrote the 20 year specials after that. It also sounds like I'm being callous when I say "she's lazy about writing", but it's something that she's mentioned in a lot of interviews- how she's not good at actually sitting down and writing a script, and she usually only does it if she has a

Yeah I looked to set it to record the other day but couldn't find it on NBC, so I thought maybe since it was a new addition, they hadn't updated the schedule yet, but then yesterday I found out it was going to be on MSNBC instead for some odd reason. It doesn't look like it was much anyway, at least if SNL's Youtube

Mine didn't, but I don't think my DVR is set to pick up SNL from other channels (I think I have the option, but never thought about using it). Also, it wouldn't have mattered as I don't get MSNBC anymore (downgraded our cable package recently).

I feel like The Last Shout was touted as a TV movie when it came out after Season 3 ended- it's definitely long enough.

I'm really excited to see this movie (have been since it was first announced) and luckily it's playing just an hour away from me. They added Roanoke earlier this week because as of last week, DC was the closest for me at 4 hours away. I absolutely love this series and plan on introducing my boyfriend to the show by

It doesn't seem like there's much; it's probably stuck in limbo. They lost their director and are looking for a new one, but there is a script completed.…