James Booth

Yep, she was in both Princess Diaries movies as Mia's friend Lilly- loved her in those movies!

I just got a bunch of September releases from HarperTeen so I finished Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch, the conclusion to one of my favorite fantasy series ever, the other day. I'm now reading The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis, which is a really interesting book so far. I'm about 75 pages in. After this,

My friends and I just got back from watching it and we loved it a lot. It was definitely hilarious, kinda scary, and I really liked the friendship between the four of them. Chris Hemsworth was really funny too, as was Kate McKinnon, who just completely owned that role. I'm looking forward to owning this movie on

I love watching Legally Blonde (and its sequel, but mostly I watch that with the commentary on, which is just Jennifer Coolidge, Alanna Ubach, and Jessica Cauffiel making fun of the movie) and it's a movie I tend to re-watch every so often. It's the best. Also, you're not alone in your Popstar love- I was surprised it

I found her through Drama, which was introduced to me at a Scholastic preview event I went to at a book conference several years ago. I absolutely adored Drama because I used to be a techie too so it was fun reading it. And while I've yet to read Smile, I have read the pseudo-sequel Sisters which I also enjoyed.

Yeah, we live in the same state (Virginia) so I see her often at her signings and various conventions. I went to her first book's launch party back in 2008 and we've been friends since then. In fact, at one signing in my home town of Alexandria, I spent the whole evening with her (3 hours) just chatting while she

Yep, I've read both of them, and absolutely adored them- I loved reading their comments about their different processes while writing and on each others' stories. Maggie is another of my favorite writers and one of my friends (I'm mostly caught up on her stuff, but still need to read the Raven Cycle), so I was excited

I'm excited about that one- loved Brenna's debut from a while back but haven't done my best to keep up with her new releases.

You could always just buy the DVDs- they've released all 5 seasons on DVD with lots of special features. It's been a while too, so I'm sure it's pretty discounted by now and wouldn't cost much.

I'm currently reading Ivory and Bone by Julie Eshbaugh, a debut fantasy set in prehistoric times with allusions to Pride and Prejudice. I'm not terribly far in but it's pretty interesting. Definitely something different in YA fantasy, which is a breath of fresh air. After this, it'll be My Lady Jane by Jodi Meadows,

I'm not done with it yet, but I was approved to read an advance e-copy of this over the weekend, and I pretty much flew through most of it really quickly (I got about 75% done over the course of a day). I love Tig so much and this book is amazing- it's definitely funny in parts but it's the raw, emotional honesty that

That sounds vaguely familiar, but I most likely didn't know that. It does seem odd to have her son be the subject of one but also fascinating, lol.

When I met K.A. Applegate at Book Expo America several years ago (signing alongside her husband for their co-written book), one of the things I made sure to tell her was how much I loved Animorphs growing up. It was the best!

Absolutely loved this roundtable interview- I love all of these ladies, but especially Alyson and Melissa, whose books I adore and they're such sweethearts too. Thank you for posting this great article!! It was such a wonderful read.

That's all a matter of perspective. You may feel like you're wasting your time reading it and that's fine, but I don't. I absolutely love reading Young Adult (as well as children's books, adult books, non-fiction, etc.) because the stories I'm reading are engaging, oftentimes smart (yes, there are YA books that are

Saw this tonight with my two best friends and absolutely loved it! It was kind of weird though to be there because there were only two other people in the theater (sitting by themselves) and so it felt a little awkward laughing out loud at the jokes because it was so quiet in the theater, lol. But it was a lot more

I still enjoy this show- it's a fun way to pass the time and I've grown to love the three other actresses as Milano was my initial pull to start watching the show. I fell behind and missed last season so am catching up on Hulu now to start watching the new season on DVR.

Sounds good- thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to do that. :)

Yeah. I don't understand getting angry over any sort of media. If you don't want/like it, just ignore it and go back to whatever makes you happy.

I'll be seeing it regardless of reviews. I love the Ghostbusters films, these 4 women (and Chris Hemsworth), and the director, so it's just a no-brainer for me. I just really don't see the reason to protest/boycott this movie (or any movie, unless there's actual negative implications from it, like promoting