James Booth

I really enjoyed this first season and especially enjoyed Galvin and Plimpton. This was a really sweet, fun episode and I appreciated that they showed a full-on gay kiss and did not cut away until it was done. I'm excited that it got renewed and I hope it stays on for years to come; I do think it'll be an important

What about putting them in recycling? If tossing them is the only option though, i'll do it. I've been doing that for a few of them when i've done cleaning before anyway.

Yeah we have a few around here, but I need to get rid of a large number of books so I'm not sure if that would necessarily work for me (right now, I have at least 50-75 books I want to give away).

I don't know if I'd ever be able to part with any of my physical media stuff (CDs, DVDs/Blurays, books)- I just love it all so much! And at least with my books though, it's hard for me to get rid of them because I get free advance copies of books that cannot be sold or donated to the library (I'm contemplating

I had no idea that the boys weren't teenagers, lol. Galvin looks so young that I actually thought he was playing a younger age than 16 (which made that dating episode a little weird for me because I thought he was playing 14 and seemed to be going on a date with someone several years older). I can see the actor

I'm not sure if it's a game I love since I never made it past the first level but it's part of a series I love- Tomb Raider: Underworld. But that first level is the worst ever- it takes place entirely underwater and it's so hard to get all the items you need to complete the level. I gave up after a while and never

I was just going by what Deadline had reported in their article, which mentions Under Wraps as the first. But yeah, starting with Northern Lights, I guess.

What this article also fails to mention is that they'll run the other 49 movies throughout June, so anything not listed here will be re-aired, just at a later date. And the 100 movies included are the ones under the DCOM logo, meaning anything after the 1st movie Under Wraps in 1997, so nothing from before that time.

Been wondering that myself. I thought it would've been the following week but it's been two weeks now.

I'm really excited for this! I'm hoping it gets a US release too (or at least, a DVD release here). I've been waiting for this since it was first announced, and now it's not too far away (Wikipedia has the UK release set for July 1).

I've had people stand there and not take a bag even when I run out of room on the carousel. And I'm not talking like all the sides are full. I've pulled off bags, put them on top, on the side, wherever I can put them, until I've officially run out of room. And there's still more groceries to bag, so I have to go ahead

I had a similar experience the other day. Some old lady paid in cash (supposedly a crisp, clean bill) and got a old, crumpled $5 back in change. So she came over to me in customer service and complained about it- "I gave her a crisp bill and she gave back THIS in return!!" Um, we just pick whatever's on top, that's

I love that one too!

I don't know if either of these are streaming or not (probably not) but I'd also recommend any of The Vicar of Dibley's Christmas/Winter episodes, though The Christmas Lunch Incident is the best out of all of them. And French and Saunders had a few Christmas specials throughout the years too, which were always fun.

Love at First Sight is probably my favorite Kylie song (if I had to pick one), and I loved watching the video on MTV/VH1 when they used to play videos, lol. Definitely a great song to dance to.

I've really been looking forward to this anthology and love that it's getting some attention here. Excited to hear that Bardugo's, Ryan's and Lu's stories are really good as I love their books (reading Six of Crows by Bardugo now).

Thank you for bringing up Rejected! I watched it many times in college with my friends and I thought about it recently but couldn't remember what it was called or where I could find it. That is definitely something that makes me laugh every time I see it. It's so amazingly well-crafted.

Thanks, and I'll try to keep these pointers in mind for future first-dates. I'm usually pretty shy but if I feel like things are going well, I get comfortable and ramble, lol. I'll do my best to rein it in.

Yeah I'm originally from the DC area, so I'm a little more Northern in my manners. Why can't people just say what they mean/want? I tell the guys after the date that I had a good time and want to hang out again and to just let me know when they're free to meet up. They say "I had a good time too and will let you

I know this wasn't meant for me, but honestly it really helped me. I've been having this problem of being rejected constantly by guys in my area lately (to be somewhat fair, I'm not exactly in the best place for gays down here in the Bible Belt but I know plenty of gay couples in the area so it is possible). Every