
I was homeschooled. I followed a normal curriculum that had no religious influence at all. I was supervised by a credentialed teacher who I could email or call if necessary. I graduated two years early from high school. Nothing wrong with homeschooling if it's done right.

Because those things go without saying in your world.

Honestly, I think these requirements are basically the same (perhaps even less stringent) than you'd find spoken/unspoken in any moderately conservative industry (big law, finance, consulting, etc.) I work for a very small consulting firm and even *I* follow these "rules" ... including, no bare legs (always hose), no

Hate to break it to you: I don't teach a class with quizzes, exams, etc. I teach a writing class, and know the difference (or have technology to catch the difference) between plagiarized work and original papers.

Hate to break it to you, but a lot of them get your class info from former sisters (and brothers). Old quizzes, exams, notes, etc. All kept on file for future reference. I'd ace the class too if I had all your old exams.

As a teacher at a university, I will say that the vast majority of sorority girls I have had in my classes have been smart, driven, organized, and thoughtful, in spite of time spent on what most of us here probably see as this kind of nonsense. I know what I am saying is merely experiential and has a limited sample to

What the actual fuck.

"I have a master's degree in journalism from Columbia and I write investigative stories." Maybe you should have done some investigating.

Turns out Rolling Stone has issues a public apology about this story. Maybe instead of blindly defending every accusation of rape or sexual assault, we need to be careful and get the facts straight. You know.... The stuff you were supposed to learn about before they gave you that journalism degree you were waving

I guess this is a score for those "[t]wo guys who have no idea what they're talking about."

Boy. This must sting like hell, eh Merlan?

You do know that Richard Bradley is a respected, maybe even legendary journalist, and you're writing for Jezebel, don't you? You also should be careful about bragging about your Columbia degree in the same article where you come after him. Not only was he on staff at Columbia journalism school, but this week, the

But if you believe that the person has fabricated a large part of the story, then you actually don't believe that they put hours and hours into it. He isn't doubting she did the work because she can't, he's accusing her of making it up. You are thinking what your worst impression of a sexist would say and falsely

So any time you question a woman it's because you are sexist?

I'm a card-carrying feminist 'til the cows come home, but even I'm not crazy enough to claim that WBNA players should get paid as much as players in the NBA....

Why is this 'unacceptable'? Is miss Swank a big box office draw? I can't remember any blockbuster she's been in. No doubt she's being paid exactly what she's worth. Want more female roles, ladies? Then write, direct, and produce good movies with female parts.

These shots are gorgeous, but I'm a little surprised that Estee Lauder chose a teenage model—I've always thought of them as an "old lady" brand. Maybe they're trying to change their image.

Maybe it's a selfie?

It seems like Chanel is the obvious choice, but if you want to be in a situation where you're still earning money and branding yourself over the age of 22, not to mention allowed to have some sort of personality, VS is the way to go.