
You sir, are incorrect in pretty much everything you stated.

Godspeed And good luck sir!

Agreed, but also entirely devoid of personality 

Forgot one: “...then they had the balls to make a $75k electric hybrid that everyone laughed at.”

What about the Miata???

Baja 350Z build

I wanna do that!

You can reuse that title every 8 years 😂

We really do need to keep The Idiocracy in check...would boost the US’s average IQ ;)

I think its widely understood by most on here what “the Civil War” means... 

Mission statement: act tough, yell a lot and watch NASCAR while stuffing their faces with fried mayonnaise balls.

The loser IS the South ;)

You sir are a damn genius!

First off: I LOVE this thing and the mind that created it....sooo jalop!

If there was any doubt the Idiocracy is here to stay, this oughta clear that up.

Well put sir

Right?! Like, i wanna be correcting oversteer the entire time I’m behind the wheel!

As a car guy, I’m always down for more performance....but after spending a day driving a Hellcat, I simply have to say: this is getting ridiculous. may have tipped them off