bullshit reservoir is full

I didn't read "accidental" in your post either, for what it's worth. I basically had the same read of you that BlackIvyG did, and I'm trying to argue with that view. You said a couple of times in this thread that rapists just didn't realize their behavior was wrong — or at least you said things that I interpreted that

Furthermore, it's not really clear to me to what degree (if any) she's soliciting advice on her romantic failures. I mean, if she's always crying, "Why do the guys I like never like me!?" and it doesn't seem like a rhetorical question, you may need to find a discreet way to address her standards (personally, I'd try

He should be everywhere!

Oh man, you must have seen the 'sneak peek' bot on twitter? @StealthMountain It absolutely makes my day when it catches someone I follow.


What kills me is "loose" instead of "lose." It's become so prevalent! How do these people think the actual word "loose" is spelled? Do they really think that both words are spelled exactly the same way but pronounced differently depending on the meaning? Is that a rule for any other word in the English language?

Duckface, huh? That seems like a regression for her.

I don't think there's anything wrong with using "good" and "bad" as descriptors. What I don't like is using "good" when you mean "obedient."

So we agree to agree. :)

I hear you, but I think what kr99 is saying is that while the behavior is clearly rape, the rapists don't see it that way. The know that rape is "bad" and that it's something they aren't supposed to do — that's why they deny being bad actors when the "R-word" is used, but admit to the same behavior if described

I totally agree that more education is a good thing. We should definitely teach men not to rape (and women, too). But I also think we might have shot ourselves in the foot a little by making it clear how horrible rape is. "Rape" has become this thing that is so horrible that only monsters commit it - and no one will

The trouble is, in many situations you simply won't KNOW what sort of feelings your joke is going to bring up. Most people aren't in the habit of disclosing their personal traumas to everyone around them, so it would be very easy to accidentally tell a rape joke around someone who's been raped.

Personally, I would

So it wasn't "I want to write an article reducing the sexual assault rate so I'll talk about alcohol," it was "I want to write an article reducing alcohol consumption on college campuses so I'll talk about sexual assault"?

I agree with you to the extent that I think the rape-joke debate is, for the most part, far too black and white. There is room for nuance!

For what it's worth, I don't think you're being a troll or trolling (I do, however, tend to give people the benefit of the doubt more often than I should and end up in a troll loop, so please don't prove me wrong here!).

It's because it's understood that people won't go out and think that killing babies is okay, nor will it encourage them to go out and kill babies.

I was planning on commenting at some point too that Reddit isn't a single monolith community.

I'd like to think this is the reason why everyone who bullied me in school got fat.