Well then.
Well then.
Me, call my mom? Not with any regularity at all. Usually if there's an upcoming family outing and she hasn't already called me about it (or I need to plan early).
It's most likely a function of my diet. I eat... pretty poorly. Either way, I'm not particularly prone to seeking medical attention unless I'm injured or too sick to function.
Because the ideas of porn and prostitution are based on taking advantage of someone.
Poop talk!
You have not been to very many public bathrooms if that is the worst you have seen.
some warped world where nudity is literally part of, like, human life
Oh, so many good choices... how about this one?
That wasn't Uematsu, though.
I begrudgingly star this with a grumpy frown on my face.
Hobby Lobby has no more free exercise right to dictate that its employees get health insurance that can't be used for contraception than to pay me through a debit card that doesn't work at liquor stores.
Temporarily ignoring how stupid it is to gender interests and activities in the first place... I wasn't aware liking music was a "dude thing". Sports, yes. Computers, yes. Music? Since when?
(The following is an observation on the state of common culture in the U.S. and is not necessarily indicative of anything in other parts of the world)
That thing that the game companies are doing these days with the HD re-releases/compilations?
Never mind that the majority of studies have been based on shaky research methods (data that's been self-reported or, in some cases, "gathered from websites").
41%? That doesn't sound so bad to me at all. That sounds pretty good. That sounds like great strides forward.
An "all of the above" energy policy is fossil fuels + alternative energy sources. It's sort of a "hey, your wind and such is cool too and we do/will need more energy so hop on, but we're sure as shit not reducing our consumption of any of the old stuff".
Just watch his eyes. Watch them! You can draw a line to exactly where the cards are.
Because I am often too generous with the benefit of the doubt and frequently find myself considering ludicrous hypotheticals where certain things do make sense and am capable of imagining a "white march" as less than 100% stupid, I thought about this for twelve seconds.