
I do dig me my Premium.

I loved Love and Thunder precisely because it was so weird and meandering. It wasn’t ALL ABOUT building up to the end fight with the big bad. The stakes were high, but not world ending. They can’t keep doing that and they know it, so I actually think was ultimately a step in the right direction.

I don’t know that that’s as hot a take as it seems.

How many years in a row are y’all going to ask the same slideshow questions when we all know it’s a directive from the private equity goons who own the parent company? Jesus

I like the idea of the other Gods just not getting Jesus at all.

Saw Love and Thunder over the weekend, and thought it was just fine. I’d give it a solid B. It wasn’t as good as Ragnarok, but it was better than the other two Thor movies by far. It blends stories from the comics—Jane as Thor and Gor, etc.—just like many MCU movies do, and it was an enjoyable take on those stories.

The way I cheered when he showed up freaked out the dude sitting next to me

They're saying it how it is.

Guy parked next to us at the show wanted them to “keep the politics” out of their show tonight. I wasn’t able to comprehend how he had listened to them in the past.

the former guardian of Asgard’s space-spanning bifrost bridge who, before being executed by Thanos in Infinity War, absorbed the bifrost’s transportational abilities himself. As the film reveals, Axl, too, is empowered with the bifrost.

It’s a shame you had to /s your post, but I don’t blame you.

I saw that too, dunno who else did, but I chuckled heartily at that.

Yeah, I think Vision would like to have a word here.

I thought the idea that Jane went to Valhalla because she died battling cancer was a nice touch.

I thought it was a nod to Stormbreaker’s haft being, y’know, Groot...

Yeah, I’m curious if any AVClub reader needs an article like this. Also, Eternity was created by “Stan Lee and Steve Ditko”- well, Ditko plotted and drew the stories before bringing them into Stan Lee fully completed and then he added dialogue after the fact based on Ditko’s margin notes- whatever Marvel’s owners

A couple things.

Now playing

Speaking of blink-and-you’ll-miss-him: We also learn in the movie that Thor’s ex-flatmate Darryl (see below) is working in New Asgard; he’s listed as “Darryl the Tour Guide” in the credits. 

I’d like to briefly brag here: After Endgame I went out and bought the Jason Aaron/Russell Dauterman original run of Jane Foster Thor spanning from her introduction until “War of the Realms”. I was NOT expecting so many lines and scenes to be adapted directly from those books I read.

I wasn’t a Harry Potter kid and I