
There has to be a late night TV prank in this.

No. Wait a minute let me think about this.... FUCK NO!!!!!! Does that help? Oh the grey’s should be epic for this one.

Look at this pathetic asshole.

Slowing down the investigation and prosecution of the criminal conspiracy that originates in the White House makes no sense. It demoralizes the honest citizens that believe that there should be a consequence for crime and it allows Trump more time to continue to commit crimes.

wow only 3 seconds into that Laura Ingraham video and already im annoyed by her.  that’s impressive.

Hey there supercuck, remember, you promised to explain your point about what happened 1888 in Palestine to me. Don’t forget now.

Jim Jordan is a child molester.

Jeezus FUCKING Christ, how in the goddamn hell do these fucking idiots exist in our world? What the FUCK has Trump gifted them to make ‘em all such obsequious despicable boot-licking ignorant eunuchs? How the FUCK could anyone in their districts be happy with that kind of fucked up mentality and willful ignorance in

See without The Fox News filter his stupidity and lack of knowledge is even worse than usual. Again this man should not be allowed to operate a TV remote much less the United States. Thanks white women.


Lol stfu. Where’s the joke dude? Where’s the funny?

Wow, many trolls at level 3 today.

Dear Sir: 1) Remove head from ass. 2) Wake The Fuck Up. 3) Get a fucking clue. The media has bent over backwards to kiss the ass of law enforcement in too many situations so you need to take that shit someplace else, like Fox News. Second if you had read what was written you’d understand how fucking dumb you sound.

“Mental health crisis is only acceptable when justifying gun purchases after white males shoot up schools as I really am not upset about the ‘mental health’ excuse.  I’m just a completely racist hypocrite”

The main reason I don’t want to hear a fucking word from any of the Blue Lives Matter, MAGA Chuds and the other blind and impotent fucks that defend these turds is that there is footage of police officers from around the world dealing with similar situations with a calm and rational approach. There was a clip on You

I was feeling good after I saw this

The beauty of it is “not believing either of them” is an option.

Tillerson was awful. But the difference between an urban, “I love money” Republican is that they just hate poor folks and want capitalism to work with them.

Trump’s lifelong unabashed intolerance on display, again. Trump’s history, acceptance, and appeal to intolerance is the detestable maniac hate super glue holding Trump’s base and much of today’s Republican Party majority together. A force so powerful seemingly normal people, religious sects, even a Congressional