
Yeah, Tucker Carlson is a mercenary, and his current set of views are noxious, but the man has struck upon a potentially winning electoral strategy. Progressive and liberals frequently mock the idea that “economic anxiety” contributed to the defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016, because in doing so, they are mocking the

Is everyone else at The Root and its commenters on vacation with Michael or what? Why is this clapback getting no love? It has “bonergraph” and superman in it!

aaaaaaaaand this is why you cannot “engage” these people.  this is exactly why i refuse to have a polite discussion with magas.  this is why i can’t say, “well, i can like you & hate your political views at the same time.”  nope nope nope.

I wonder if there are nights when this boy, Kal-El,

The most charitable possible read of “of which the moon is a part” is that the moon might be used for refueling/resupply operations, like a sort of waystation for a mission to Mars.

Trump’s brain is not capable of conceiving of such a thing, though, and I have approximately zero desire to be charitable to a man who has

The main difference is that there were no equivalents to goofuses like YOU trying to defend hodgkinson.

I mean, the upshot is that you don’t actually care about either guy, so there’s that. :)

Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout.

This is the same line of “logic” that drives people to kill or harm others in the name of a god

Because if there’s one person in this nation that definitely lacks the financial and personnel resources necessary to fight his own battles, it is absolutely the President.

This is the same line of “logic” that drives people to kill or harm others in the name of a god: “My all-powerful, all-present, all-knowing deity

lol [FARTS] wut?

How this shitbag got ungreyed is what should be investigated.

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody should value the things you say. 

I want a contender to start “lock him up” chants at a rally, just to see the sheer mental gymnastics the Right wing press goes to in order to make it seem extreme. 

From the bloviating anal abscess who shouts down his audience of troglodytes and dotards nightly with patently false, willfully misleading, and often transparently bigoted anti-information, and who picked up the chant of “Lock Her Up” and ran with it; the terms “rage” and “psychosis” all but lose their meaning.

Some of us are pretty desperate to keep Trump from getting to appointing more judges - namely those of us with uteruses, who aren’t white, who weren’t born in another country, who aren’t straight or cisgender...I could go on. I fucking hate Biden but it’s some kind of privilege right there to act like sticking it to

This pisses me off, Biden is absolutely dominating the polls and he’s just out here winging it, while Warren is doing the hard work day in and day out and is barely scratching 8 percent. She’s traversing all over the country doing town halls and putting out white papers tackling every single pertinent policy issue,

I never signed the “No Body-Snarking” Pledge. I will continue to critique the outward appearance of people I find to be ugly on the inside. I’m sure yours won’t be the only “tut-tut” I receive.  I’m looking forward particularly to Richard’s.  

I just cannot wait until this DOTUS dies. You know damn well he will have a very public & gaudy memorial built for himself. Once completed I will make it an annual pilgrimage to visit his memorial and shit on his grave. And I am sure there will be a line of similar sentimented folks waiting to do the same.