
Oh, they get it. But for them, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature. The key thing that everyone needs to understand about the conservative movement in America today is that fundamentally, it is based in the belief that privileges and benefits are being given to the “undeserving” at their expense, and that anything they do

You “don’t believe in same sex marriage.” lol  Get the whole fuck out of here, troll.  Nobody cares if you “believe” in it or not; it’s here. 

Yesterday, Biden’s campaign told NBC he’d only be open to repealing the amendment if he knew that abortion under Roe v. Wade was threatened. Good thing that’s not happening!!!

Ah yes. Going to Ireland after meeting the Queen of England and the Royal Family and getting wasted at a pub near a hotel and golf course that has your name on it while it’s all paid for on the taxpayer’s dime.

“She made a mistake concerning her heritage! UNFORGIVABLE! OUTRAAAAAGE!”

“She’s a nerd! I don’t like all that smart talk! I want someone who breathes fire and fury and inspires me, not someone who has detailed, well-articulated, and actionable plans to solve a number of systemic issues plaguing the nation!”

“She’s a

And as a result they are beholden to him like the old factory towns of the past. It's Faustian.

The DNA thing was stupid but the fact that people are clinging so hard to what amounts as a gaffe, while excusing more abhorrent behavior from other frontrunners, is straight up misogyny.

It’s easy to castigate the people of Doonbeg, largely because we’re not faced with a choice between the significant economic support Trump’s resort likely provides the village and our personal principles, but I’d ask everyone to consider this:

Principles are a wonderful thing. They help to define our path through life,

She’s the candidate I wanted in 2016 and the best hope we have to at least delay our inevitable demise. On policy, she’s the best mainstream candidate of my entire life.

> “Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President Trump’s administration,” the department said in a statement.

She keeps getting better! Abortion is a medical procedure between a woman and her doctor. Full stop. Anything less is unacceptable.

Trump's election proves the average voter is a moron. So, maybe trying not to dazzle them with facts, reading, and math is a good strategy. Just use lots of pictures and small words. 

At this point, I would advise ALL researchers, in all fields, that care about more than money, to flee the United States. At least until we get a majority Democrat House, Senate and administration and make some serious structural changes.

We most definitely should get on Americans for that! China is indeed the largest emitter of CO2, since 2006. The climate change crisis however did not begin in 2006. If you add up all the emissions from the last century, it’ll be a while before China becomes the largest over all contributor. There’s also over a

“The reason that there’s enhanced punishment on domestic violence is to recognize and protect the sanctity of marriage,” Northcott told the attendees, NewsChannel 5 reports.

Once again, if “god” didn’t give the fuckers cover, they’d have to invent him.

Like the Caliphates of the Ottoman Empire. As the Emperors of China. In the spirit of the Popes of old: we get to turn out back on sciences because conservative factions take over and we banish knowledge for the sake of appealing to the ignorant to keep the corrupt in power.

Hogan only had a case because it was Florida and it was to pwn the libs, and his sugar daddy, Gay Vampire Peter Thiel, was bankrolling him.

I agree, most of these polls are bullshit. I don’t know if its changed, but one major flaw was that they only contacted people with landline phones, which are usually the elderly so large segments of the population get intentionally overlooked. And then they can skew their results depending on how they frame the

The Queen of Shade.