
This is probably the smallest deal of all time, and yet nobody can stop bitching about it.

It served the purpose of establishing Theon's situation and how cocky he was, as well as delivering a bunch of information about how life on the Iron Islands works, like taking salt wives n such.

"Finally we get to see Quarles use his sleeve gun! "

Also read Ender's Shadow ! It runs parallel to Ender's Game and really enhances it.

Just chiming in to say I really like this show and its uniquely positive protagonists. This was the best episode yet, and I hope to see more of the boys succeeding (at least partially like in this episode) and actually inching towards progress rather than this being one of those 'reestablish the status quo completely

Why do you even want reviews of every episode? Reviewing individual episodes of a sketch comedy show is far from the ideal way to talk about it, especially a show like Human Giant that has no theme in all of a given episode's sketches like Mr. Show does.

This appears to be a logistically impossible and completely unnecessary idea that could add little to the wonderful conclusion FNL already has had.

It is impossible to know which without hearing how he intonated that.

You'd know as much as everyone else, which is to say you will not understand what the crap is going on at all.

Think about how long it takes to read a big, dense book. Then consider that you will learn more about how the real world works from The Wire than from almost any book you will ever read.

Uh, you know book four and five were parallel timelines, right? Separating the characters into one of the two books ?

1. Breaking Bad 2. Friday Night Lights
3. Game of Thrones 4. Homeland
5. Revenge 6. Downton Abbey
7. Justified

To convert someone to Community, they watch it from the beginning, in order. Sit them down and show them the first two eps.

If I hear that this whole supposed "end-game" is actually good and reinjects Dexter with the ability to surprise its audience that it lost in season 3, I might actually come back to the show. That'll be the first time I quit a show and then come back to it without catching up on the several seasons I missed.

That group is dumber than the dumbfuck masses ! BAIL ON DEXTER ! You can come back later if you hear that they got their shit together. Which isn't going to  happen.

Hahaha, that trailer ! Someone should tell them that putting an ominous chime in each cut only works if they are evenly spaced, since that is how clocks chime. (This starts at 1:08, erg so painful)

That was a shockingly reasonable and readable A.W. review. He cites zero movies from the 1920's and actually describes both good AND bad things about the movie.

I really expected an A- too. It was extremely well done in every way.

A *bit* of a sociopath?? She's like Dexter with boobs and less stabby stabby.

Does Carrie have a steel-trap vagina, or was the pill / the morning after pill / vasectomy / she-is-now-pregnant involved ? This is the question on viewers' minds.