
Second to last episode was really awesome though, and was more like a finale than the finale was. The finale seemed like it was setting up season 2 :-(

But wouldn't even a normal person be more nervous about the critical questions than the mundane ones? I know I would get nervous when they asked me about the razor blade, even if I didn't do it.

I dunno, the guy wasn't just saying dirty stuff about Jessica, he was in the middle of saying that Mike was the one who did the sex-ing. That, along with Brody saying "You were my friend" made it seem like Brody was only now really realizing, which suprised me.

May I suggest checking out the Rest of the Internet, or perhaps a quick visit to Not the Computer ?

I love the field and their repetitive nature. love the field and their repetitive nature. the field and their repetitive nature. field and their repetitive nature. their repetitive nature. repetitive nature.  repetitive. nature. .

They actually make this joke in the episode.

I really adore this show and all its little details, and I love HBO for renewing it over and over even though I have never met anybody in the world that has even heard of it.

Oh man, if they did.. that would be one hellish corner of the internet. Scary to even ponder.


That happened 1 day ago. He's dead, and the IRS should definitely be concerned, but it probably won't come up til next season.

It was a bold move, and an awesome sign that the writers have tons of ideas, enough that they can keep us guessing. Everyone was expecting a Tammy 1 episode, then a Tammy 0 episode, but they brought out both of them, amidst tons of other great stuff, instead of having two tammy eps sort-of rehashing the classic Tammy

well I thought he was going to say "this second", or some other short unit of time

Both Gus and Mike gave attaboy smiles.

She's not "fascinating", she's our grounded, realistic core, our straight-man. You claim she doesn't act believably, but I disagree. The whole show kind of hinges on that believability, so I understand why it disappoints you.

I thought last episode, with the party, was the best so far. It was engaging, grounded in a certain realism, and even witty and clever.

Didn't it show an unopened GPS tracker in Walt's possession earlier in the episode? Meaning he was inspired by Hank to buy one himself.


I like your idea.

I'm pretty sure it's 'cry' then 'die'.