
Great, Skyler's overnight plastic surgery and weight gain are even MORE of a pesky wrench in my suspension-of-disbelief engine in any potential flashbacks.

You have a disease in your brain.

…..but I love those two things you hate!

Is this show good or bad ?? Awesome or meh ??
Everyone come to an agreement so I can decide whether to watch it all. (I watched the first ep .. wasn't amazed).

Next headline I wanna see:
Showrunner of The Killing steps down.

Curb rules and all.. but you're not allowed to do that! Conserve those A+s geez louise!

Badger: "Hey, no worries man!"
Vaughn: "No, some worries, man. Some worries."

Gee, this totally convinced me Season 2 won't suck..
infinity dots

@ Butchie— those are really good points. Great, now the show is ruined. How the FUCK do they get those boxes in there? There's gotta be a truck entrance…………. maybe there's a lift or something? But yea, why the elaborate hidden entrance.

Nice writeup Rabin!
Since I complained so much before, I must give praise to such a lovely & thoughtful essay. As we are nearing the dawn of the simpsons golden age*, I hope this quality is maintained !

The first Tintin book, Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, was really weird and political and probably somewhat offensive.
The second, Tintin in the Congo, is a tour de force of racism and endless violence heaped upon endangered animals. For example, Tintin drills a hole into a rhino's head, inserts a stick of dynamite,

They did it BECAUSE their streaming inventory seems in doubt.

Their stock actually went way up today. Because they made a very necessary business decision that everyone had been pressuring them to make, that makes their future in the face of giant licensing price hikes and much more competition actually look viable.

Plus.. Ra's Al Ghul is immortal and stuff………..

Marge: Homer, there's a man here who thinks he can help you.
Homer: Batman?!
Marge: No, he's a scientist.
Homer: Batman's a scientist..!
Marge: It's not Batman!

woo hoo !

I'll take two sandals for $64 please ! Hot cha !

Constance Carmell ?
Nobody's going to mention Party Down?

That would be an awesome explanation.

I was actually about to post that this was the first episode that I finally started to think the joke was getting old. Granted, this is after like 80 iterations of the joke.