
I agree, Lily is such a freakish zombie presence on the show, and they wanna add another baby?? I dunno if there's any way to get babies to act realistically on camera, but I'm pretty sure I've at least seen it in movies.. like I'm pretty sure babies do things other than be perfectly still all the time.

(I realize it's not on AS, I'm saying it has the same humor and sensibilities as a lot of AS shows)

I absolutely adore every show mentioned on this thread except Archer.

@ UMD - It's fun to list things out. Eat a dick!
@ Bullets - Well, I think Doakes didn't really get 'too close' to Dexter the way all those other characters did. He just figured Dexter out.
@ Dunk - I knew their names off the top of my head but have never heard of Jimmy Smitts ! GASP !

pathetically repetitive
Season 1: Dexter's brother gets too close
Season 2: British lady gets too close
Season 3: Hispanic dude gets too close
Season 4: John Lithgow gets too close
Season 5: Julia Styles gets too close

Hey Rabin, I'm the guy who always complains you're not putting enough effort in these Simpsons classic writeups.

Wait Whoops you were referring to the article linked by this article.

Um, no?

Even if you didn't actually consult a thesaurus, it's something worth thinking about if your writing makes people say that. Try to use only a couple 'fancy' words per sentence, and only when there aren't more common words that could convey the same meaning.

Also loved that. Keep in mind this is the same guy Andy's been ragging on at the Shoe Stand for ages, but the reveal that even Jerry can talk down to him was hilarious. Like the youngest child who picks on the family pet or something.

I, for one, appreciated very much the cataloging of Jerlaine references.

Laugh tracks
bother me.

I really liked it, but it DID remind me of Twin Peaks (it didn't bother me, I figured they were consciously doing it):

One of my favorite all time Simpsons exchanges
Owner: Take this object, but beware it carries a terrible curse!
Homer: [worried] Ooooh, that's bad.
Owner: But it comes with a free Frogurt!
Homer: [relieved] That's good.
Owner: The Frogurt is also cursed.
Homer: [worried] That's bad.
Owner: But you get your choice of topping!



Stanley Spadowski: [in backroom of the UHF building, preparing for another fund drive. There is a knock at the back door] Who is it?
Head Thug: I got a pizza here for Mr. Stanley Spadowski.
Stanley Spadowski: Pizza? For me? Ohhhh-ho-ho, boy!
[opens door, gets yanked through violently]
Stanley Spadowski: [later,

I too am surprised Sims missed this. Seemed pretty obvious that 'massage = sex' in the scenes with Jerry and the masseuse. Although they kind of mix metaphors when Jerry is joking with George about how we wants massages, not sex, so maybe that's the source of confusion.

I cried like 8 times ?! I was like, ack, what the fuck is happening to my eyes !?

Yea, it wasn't utterly embarrassing like last week, but it's still about 40% the effort and length that it deserves and other beloved shows have gotten.