
This spot reserved for retarded tradition.
Cancer aids, blabla, Okay everyone, you can actually discuss 30 rock now!

Yvan eht niooooj. I loved it. Then again, I was in like 6th grade.

These Simpsons writeups are way shorter and totally useless compared to most TV Club Classics. Compared to, say, the current Batman ones, they are like 1/3 as long and interesting. Compared to the lavish Sopranos or Deadwood writeups, they are pathetic.

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic.. brain exploding

Actually, according to wikipedia, 'meh' was used on the Simpsons first in 1994.

I would like this movie way more if it were 90 minutes and most of that stuff cut out was the painfully glacial romance scenes dominating the latter parts of the movie.

This was
the correct decision to make.

Nobody liked Marmaduke ever (except its hundreds of thousands of faithful readers, none of whom I've met).

Eric is the best part of the show
The final episode, Eric's POV is about 34x better than any other.

I don't see what's wrong with having people who love shows write reviews for them.

I'm a fan of both shows, but Breaking Bad is about 30,000 times better than Dexter. I am not exaggerating, I used science to calculate that number. Also, Breaking Bad has certainly not had any 'blah seasons'!

The point I was trying to make is, nowadays, everyone finds out immediately when a country commits atrocities like genocide, and usually there is some appropriate retaliation. I don't think any superpower could get away with anything like that on a significant scale without all the other superpowers immediately

All countries are trending towards health and wealth, and net happiness is increasing, there's no denying it.

Gee, basically all the comments here
are complaining about the lazy, needlessly critical writing in this TV Club Classic. We're only in the second season, for God's sake, we need a writer who doesn't lose their energy and enthusiasm until the double digit seasons !

"also community was at a bar tonight and sunny was in atlantic city."

Seinfeld, Curb, and AD all have 'dramatic underpinnings', 'heart', and that's part of why they are the best comedies. It's just not as blatant as actually having like completely emotional scenes, but more of a conceptual level. Behind every character's joke is a mountain of terrible unspoken truths, which is why you

I'm overjoyed at this news. The pilot was brilliant, and then cheesy writing and cliched dialogue really brought down the following episodes. Also, most good shows are primarily the brainchild of one genius micromanaging everything— mad men, breaking bad, the wire, deadwood, curb your enthusiasm, community, etc.

I believe the 10.0 was a mistake, and they were smart to stop giving 10's to new releases. They should've just given it a 9.8 or something, but I guess somebody felt like shaking things up. It's impossible to know the lasting appeal of an album until, you know, time passes.

Yay renewals! Sometimes it seems like it really takes a lot for HBO to quit on a show. Good ol' premium network 'prestige'-based marketing strategy.

I'm just saying..
I coulda fucked that kid.