
Best mode of play that my friend I enjoyed frequently: Two players plus the maximum amount of bots, set to "meat" (the easiest) difficulty. One hit kills. Play up to 300 (or whatever was the max) kills. Farsight, laptop gun, reaper, laser gun. Crazy fun.

I didn't like Rubicon as much as BB or MM, but it got way better as the season progressed and built to an awesome climax, and I consider it a 'hit', giving AMC 3 for 3.

I love this show.
A lot. I'm just posting to give its poor barren comment board some love.

That's certainly not the type of language a 5 year old otter should be using!

I was 3 when this came out and I remembered only the gorge-jumping scene. My two older brothers and parents would have me watch it with them every Sunday at 8 (it later switched to Thursdays) with great religiosity. So the Simpsons basically has this whole section of my brain dedicated to it, permeating how I live

Jubjub, does everyone you know who likes south park have.. memories?

the second the virus started getting out of hand I kept thinking "Treehouse of Horror!"
in the first 8 seasons or so the Simpsons never broke reality at all except for halloween episodes (and some random specials). It was a totally awesome way for them to have a chance to fuck around but retain the show's overall

I think it's the beginning of the end for this show..
A.k.a. that was 2 years ago

Um basically the main character of every good TV drama? Tony Soprano, Walter White, Don Draper, Buscemi on Boardwalk Empire, Mcnulty, etc? They completely ignored a way more interesting meta-trend in tv shows. I think they talk about it in the Breaking Bad tv club writeups or something that its probably because TV

That 'nifty infographic' totally blows. There are waay more sources it could've drawn off of, and they're comparing random things like best of 2000s list vs metacritic, and using hulu hugely skews it towards certain primetime networks. Notice how Family Guy is #25 because it's #1 on hulu but not on any other list. I

Yup. This episode made me feel giddy. My three favorite moments were when George got said "I can't die, I haven't figured anything out yet!" and then the doctor cradled him in her bosom, when George realized with great dismay that he was being really stoned and "monofocused on 2 am" and that final line by Galifinakis.

Symphony of the Night is the best platformer-RPG of all time:

Funniest episode in a looooooooooooooooooooong time.

Cutest spherical princess I've ever seen.

My opinion, because, what if you cared?
Mr Show: Amazing
Tobias Funke: Amazing
Squagles: Amazing
Icelandic Blue: Amazing
Freak Show: Not amazing
Todd Margaret: The pilot was very not amazing.

Most people that are baffled by Mad Men's popularity haven't watched enough of the show properly. Properly means at least the whole first season, in order, paying attention to details and with an open mind. I gave up on the show several times until I really gave it the full effort, and now it's one of my favorite

I must support Ender's Shadow, it is almost as good as Ender's Game. All the Bean books after that were really weird and bad.

Also, these huge #'s of stabs are always getting defended as 'impulsive' or something such as in this article.. Like 23 stabs is like 1-2 minutes of enthusiastic stabbing. You don't just slip and do that.

Man it's so true! Why are there always so many danged stabs? I really feel like something is getting habitually exaggerated somewhere along the line here.. like maybe very little stabs, like basically tiny divots or depressions, get counted as full stabs.