
“I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart...

And this thoughtless, vile cruelty is a big part of his brand and why a large portion of this nation likes him.

Unfortunately, there is a huge portion of the voting population that are functioning idiots. They are very easily swayed by people like Trump. They are convinced “The Mexicans” are the reason they don’t have a job, not the 1% billionaires who run Corporate America. They have been taught for years to fear minorities

This Vampire hit for the cycle from the alt-right/racist checklist.

Yeaaahh he’s salad dressing. Call me when they hire Yennefer or Triss

Yes the casual looting of any boxes you find always amuses me. People are sat there in their home while I take the candlesticks.

He sure has the emotional range of a CG character.

I’m looking forward to watching Cavill break into a peasant’s disgusting hovel and proceed to steal everything that’s not nailed down

Sick necklace, brah

Rendon’s been asking for it throughout his entire MLB career by intentionally being a quiet, genial player who typically exchanges pleasantries with 3B and home plate umpires and catchers and base runners who reach third while generally playing gold glove-level defense and occasionally bumping up against MVP numbers

Now that the Red Sox and both Chicago teams have won Series’ recently we really need a fun name for Cleveland’s struggles that’ll bring back some of that fun Billy Goat-Bambino stuff that Baseball’s so good at.

Plus every mass shooter has been a liberal.

It’s a bit hypocritical of Kerr to criticize Trump and then blatantly copy his leadership style.

I’d say it’s been an unquestioned success because he has shown he can play just as well with Lebron as without him, which is a big thing. He has shown no signs of regression and is still getting his legs under him on a new team, so all signs point up for him.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

“Now, I know he actively assisted in the molestation and rape of hundreds of children, but hear me out: this one time, he shook my hand and exchanged basic pleasantries like ‘I hope your mom doesn’t die’ and ‘miscarriages are sad.’ They pretty much cancel each other out, really.”

Where would he have been registered- California? A vote against Trump would have done absolutely nothing to the electoral college there.

Now? After everything so far, NOW is when you first have the idea?!

This motherfucker right here....

They have truly broken us. Like wild stallions, us gamers have submitted. Not only do we no longer complain about and boycott DLC, we get excited about it for games that aren’t even out yet. We pre-order our DLC now. Let that sink in for a minute.