
Before anyone gets on here and starts ranting about how the DNC hacks just showed that Hillary “stole the nomination” or some bullshit like that, please, tell me what the DNC hacks showed that legitimately cast a poor light on Hillary Clinton. All it did was keep the idea of emails at the forefront of the conversation

I am watching George Karl, and I’m trying to figure out, What the hell is wrong with this guy? My conclusion is that George Karl is getting too much attention.

Do the Cavs, who needed a bad call to go in their favor to win need to play better in the preceeding 47 minutes or nah, just fuck the Warriors?

It looked to me like Jefferson committed two fouls on that play, stepping on Durant’s foot to trip him and shoving his back to send him to the floor. Durant should have had free throws.

That’s fundamentally flawed, and you know it.

I get that Curry hating is in vogue right now but are we forgetting that Lebron is the ultimate bitch?

I understand the argument, but games are 48 minutes. Every team has the right to a fair game, up until the last second.

Cheering for a team with lebron on it isn’t spiritually correct. How can you support a guy who rips off Plinko and pretends to be a television producer?

Friend, it is you that needs to get out more. Please spend as much time as you did looking at your chart, reading the 2016 Trafficking In Persons Report. Every single country in the world, including Canada and the U.S., have a sex trafficking problem, both for people above the age of consent, and for people below

Unfortunately not quite true - that’s how a lot of rich and famous pedos get away with it. The BBC helped Jimmy Savile be one of the most successful child molesters of modern times because he was one of their charismatic stars.

I mean i already know i’m going to die alone and I think a space ship with free booze could keep me entertained.

In a way I understand that part. In a moment of desperation, Pratt’s character makes a really terrible decision. The problem is the filmmakers never explore the consequences of that decision and just write it off as a silly stunt Lawrence has to overcome on her way to loving Pratt.

And I think that most of us, if we had the choice, would have done what Chris’s character do. We’re lying to ourselves if we’re saying that we won’t

Wait also, why does the ship have all these fancy amenities if the passengers are in hibernation the entire time? Do they have bartenders and restaurants and entertainment just in the off-chance an idiot wakes up too soon? Wouldn’t the passengers just wake up when they get to the planet? Jesus, the mystery of this

Or Cho is a lying hack and tried to get the spotlight put on her?

OH SHIT! Tilda came with fucking receiptsssssssssss

This makes Margaret Cho look pretty astonishingly two-faced, tbh. Which is about the last thing I could imagine Margaret Cho being accused of. Maybe she felt like she had to be nice to Tilda because she didn’t know her well, and as she gained distance from the conversation she started to resent that she was put in a