
Well, that Escaladed quickly.

“I got great lawyers.”

He knows whole binders full of women.

Benoit Blanc is the sort of detective Agatha Christie would have written if she’d been born in Louisiana instead of England. The bombastic ruminations on the case, usually spoken to himself as the other characters stand nonplussed, the actual police authorities’ strange deference to and cooperation with him as he

I also get fussy when a shit load of confetti lands in my beer. forgot The Poseidon Adventure (Original)

And if you wait two years, you can do it on the centennial...

The correct answer is The Shinning

At one point in our lives, we’ve all been Lt. Dan on New Year’s Eve

Thanks- I do like their curvy fit jeans.

You’re welcome! Opinions are very mixed, but you have some ideas to mull over. 

Good on you for sobriety! And maintaining it under challenging circumstances.

Do-nothing New Years is the best. I’ve been not celebrating new year’s eve for more than a decade now, and every year I’m happier with that decision. It was never a great night. I’m perfectly content to spend it sitting under my heated blanket, sipping a warm beverage, and reading a book (like I spend most nights). 

Guests and fish stink after three days, for sure.

Hovering cats are the best.

Old Navy. Or as my kids call it, Old Lady.

Thanks for all the Jezzies for being a source of delight and comfort this past year.

This article seriously made my day. I have sent it to all of my family members and childhood friends. I mean I still can’t admit to this in public but deep down I am satisfied and love these.