Thanks for this.
Thanks for this.
If you don’t want people commenting on something, then don’t post it across a network of websites whose business model is premised on an active and often inflammatory comments section. Since when is Gawker Media or Kinja about what is wanted, needed, or pertinent? I don’t care about Albert Burneko’s family any more or…
SIDEBAR: Everyone seems so enchanted by the victimhood of having the Big Bad Internet Bullies out to get them that they cant see or admit that almost all of the criticsm is from longtime readers and commenters who are just completely disgusted by the post and, I think, even more disgusted by all the responses and…
Beautiful and heartfelt it may be, but entirely self-absorbed, just as its subject fittingly enough.
First of all, Craggs helped edit the piece. So that was something he had to answer for.
It’s funny that people think this is my way of demonstrating that we were besties; we were not. Tommy was a wonderful editor to work for, and he was hugely supportive of me. I was genuinely thrilled when he was promoted (first text) and bummed all around by his departure (second text). Forgive me the poetic license I…
Yeah, if anything, these comments and articles make me think that he’s an even bigger asshole. He’ll go out of his way for people he loves and literally destroy the lives of people he doesn’t for profit. What a fucking sweetheart.
Yes, looks like you guys were super close.
So, is it your opinion that Craggs tied his dick to a rock and threw it off a cliff? Or that he tied his dick to a rock and then jumped off a cliff?
I really hate this running theme in all of the Gawker posts about how all of the outside criticism is coming from MRA’s/Gamergaters/Generic Reddit Trolls. Even former writers like Adam Weinstein and Lindy West cant help but bring it up almost compulsively. Everyone seems so enchanted by the victimhood of having the…
yeah, this screenshot is a pretty weird thing to post when the aim is to show how good of buds you were...
So you only correspond every 6 months?
… “And then he did something real shitty. So maybe its best for him to move on, because a line was crossed and that line can’t be uncrossed.”