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Reasonable my ass: here he is acting like a pouty toddler when confronted in his stance of disallowing rape crisis counselors from telling rape victims they are allowed to have abortions. There’s nothing moderate, adult, or redeeming about this vile, dishonest cretin.

Reader Henry sends this along.

Patrick I believe you forgot to credit Hunter Osborn for the tip.

“Did you bring enough dong for the whole class?”

Wouldn’t it have been simpler to just PhotoShop the original picture?

He’s getting off on all 69 charges? Nice.

It’s terrifying to you and readers like us because we congregate here in our shared Adequacy. There is nothing adequate about The Rock. He pisses excellence and craps achievement.

I understand why wealthy people vote republican but I’ll never understand why immigrants support republicans. My father & his side of the family are immigrants and they’re the same way. You’d think you’d want to support fellow immigrants instead of burning the bridge behind you. It’s a lot of “I got mine!”. And

“Melania Trump’s hobbies..., include Pilates and reading magazines

Just don’t ask her the “gotcha question” of which magazines?

Her cause could be "Make Marriage Great Again," essentially, "how to deep-throat your rich husband to keep him away from the other bimbos" is something she would probably be qualified to champion. It would be like returning to the Mad Men era, as far as male-female relationships, "Meet your man at the door dressed in

Off-topic, but I’m pretty sure that knife was literally stolen from a Power Ranger.

“Like this!”

AND make me a sandwich!

“Shut up, bitch! Trump’ll be the best for you! He’ll do the most for you! Get back in the kitchen!”

Keep doing it. Keeeeeeeeeep aligning yourself with racists, Trump. Our country is diverse and many of those non-white voters are terrified of you. Dig your own grave, buddy. (eta: I realize this is about his supporters, not him, but like, come on)


Heh, it’s so optimistic to think that there’ll be jobs left for our kids. Me, I’m preparing my kids for Thunderdome. Their practice with spears and spikes welded onto a dune buggy will definitely edge out anyone with a bachelors of arts degree in 2030.

Real question I have about transphobic bathroom residents, and also people who scream about people on welfare buying steaks with food stamps: who the fuck is paying THAT MUCH attention to the other people around them? I can’t remember the last time I made eye contact with a stranger in a bathroom let alone debated

replace “study and find work” to “physically dominate children” and I think you’ve nailed it!

My husband and I were watching Jaws last night and it occurred to me that it was nice when everyone in a movie didn’t have to be beautiful. We figure if they made that movie today, Viggo Mortensen would play Quint.