Sobchak Security

Liberals keep saying we shouldn’t be there…

Not true.

Who asked for help? The “moderate” rebels? Division 30 and the New Syrian Force? The ones who always lose our weapons?

It sure is.

Yeah… But this isn’t going to be read by the type of person who SHOULD read it. Gawker’s readership is very liberal, the type of person who is already pre-disposed to being aware of shit like this. This article should be read by someone who normally frequents outlets like FOX or CNN.

About brown people on the other side of the world? Jesus, you can’t even make Americans give a shit about the brown (Hispanic) people in their own backyard. Who’s lives are being ruined by our personal desire for illegal narcotics and our country’s ridiculous War on Drugs.

That’s because the US and Bahrain are buddies. News about Bahrain is usually self-censored. They don’t want you to know about this type of thing.

And remember… There’s a reason you’re not reading this in a mainstream American ‘news’ outlet. Some of them have relationships and receive funding from despotic ME regimes so they self-censor stories like this.