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Damn. Life comes at you fast. Here I thought it was still Infrastructure week. But I guess its already War Crimes week. I didn’t think that was happening until September.

Ahem… According to Mr. Trump, who is definitely NOT racist… They like to be called The Blacks. And they would appreciate if if you use the proper nomenclature. They will be having their bi-annual meeting next week and I’m sure it will come up.

I read those comments very closely, much more closely than you people read them, and you have- Let me finish- You had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also had a habit of choosing shitty guys. And nobody wants to say that, but I’ll say it right now. You had a group, you

I believe the esteemed Mr. Loaf already nailed that one.

Alternately, another way to fix CNN’s racist problem is to stop watching it all together. Cable news is fucking garbage and with the exception of when you’re taking a shit in a hotel room in the wee hours of the morning, no one should be watching it ever.

I’m going to need you to source this statement: Last time I went looking for numbers it was 6% of captured terrorists.

once was enough - the GOP Trump drones are extremely gullible.

Thank you for admitting you wouldn’t attempt to mitigate the violent history of Christianity simply because your ideological opponents detest it.

Scary thought… I actually think he’s going to try and start another Civil War. Hope I’m just being paranoid. I smoke a lot of weed, but there’s some weird shit going on.

Its very important for him to paint traitors to America in a positive light. For… Well, for reasons.

I hate most people. White people already have enough privilege, don’t make them feel like they’re special.

That was a smart investment. There’s big money in sand if you know where to put it.

I’m talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, Dude, alt-left is not the preferred nomenclature. Libtards, please.

I think Muhammed’s conquering of Mecca is a bit more complicated that “He did it with a sword.” And as you mentioned, residents of Mediana welcomed him with open arms. So as I said, it was not always “traditionally… spread by the sword” as you claimed.

Fortunately someone already updated that Wikipedia page:

BREAKING NEWS EVERYONE: I understand that in Germany, there are no statues of Hitler. They must have all forgotten about him by now, I will be calling Ms. Merkel and letting her know of his existence. I urge you all to do the same.

You can’t change history, but you can learn from it.

It began months ago. Recently, the butt-clenching has gotten so bad they’ve completely blow out their sphincters and are leaking shit all over the place.

There’s a bunch of stupid white people, I’m just telling you, that are stupid, and are telling people that God is into this.

These men are cowards.