Sobchak Mobile Security

Me watching his sorry ass circle the drain.

My kung fu is strong. Don’t ever doubt the Sobchak.

I’ve not read that particular collection, but I’ve read a lot of memoirs.

This is absurd. Are you not able to distinguish degrees of right and wrong?

Occasionally I post something that’s not offensive. Today is that day.

I posted this on another thread, but I think a lot of it bears repeating. The justification for tearing down these statues lies in the reality of the Confederacy and how it began.

Actually, his father was Moonraker. It’s all part of his origin story.

We may be finding a direct correlation between number of grand jury subpoenas and vociferous, nonsensical appearances by alt-right-appeasing stooges.

“It’s this constant, ‘Oh, it’s the white man. It’s the white supremacists. That’s the problem,’” Gorka opined. “No, it isn’t...Go to Sinjar. Go to the Middle East, and tell me what the real problem is today. Go to Manchester.”

I think he’s like Milton in “Office Space” where he actually got fired months ago but no one bothered to tell him and, due to a computer glitch, he still continues to receive a paycheck.

Places like North Carolina & Mississippi are already classified as third-world banana republics....

Here’s a map of a Walmart. Find the sporting goods section.

Depending on the state, you couldn’t just get booze anywhere. Still can’t. The majority of U.S States have laws specifying which alcoholic beverages must be sold in specialty liquor stores and which may be sold in other venues.

Oh. Well I guess its no big deal then. Probably not an issue that we as a society need to take a look at. If everyone is doing it, then I guess it shouldn’t be a problem.

Even pre Civil War, you could not buy alcohol, prescription drugs, go to an optometrist and buy a gun all in one place. You’re talking about the Puritanical, user-Christian America era there. That’s not at all accurate. And post Civil War, certainly not. Until mass market retailers, specifically Walmart, came along.

And all their guns are sold in the sporting goods section, not on the shelf next to toilet paper.

NBD just keep normalizing the fact that guns are the 3rd leading cause of death for American kids. Totes whatevs man pass the Sunny D.

… a gunsmith, then general store, then sears roebuck catalogue, then department stores, and now big box stores.

You don’t have to begrudge their success. However, you can criticize who they got famous with