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Some right-wing nuts online were talking about Hawai’i couldn’t possibly understand the need for a Muslim ban because they were so far away from where 9/11 happened. Because as we all know, Hawai’i has no idea what it is like to be suddenly and viciously attacked out of the blue....

You guys need to be on guard for the Reichstag Fire.

The one silver lining this year are all of the Obama-appointed judges and Trump being so easily distracted that he’s filling appointment vacancies at a stunningly low rate.

What I mean is that Trump is such a loser, he thwarted his own executive action. A more suave and aware nemesis President might have been able to pull this off. Our blunderbuss-in-chief screwed the pooch.

Thank you, Hawaii. Thank you, US District Court Judge Derrick Watson.

This stuff isn’t a Southern thing. It’s a conservative thing. There’s a helluva lot of non-far-right people in the South. There are a lot of bigoted far-right shitheels in the North and Midwest. Your comment is just illustrating your own prejudices and that’s not something you should broadcast.

It would withstand legal challenges in an America with Merrick Fucking Garland on the SCOTUS. But, you know, Repukes. They hate women. Except Stepford Wives.

There is no way this withstands legal challenges. It’s not only an invasion of privacy, but it’s an imposition on medical professionals. Doctor’s job is not to “investigate”. This is the kind of “oppressive regulation” Republicans claim to be against.

I’m sure he totally asked the White House about the public Clinton email announcements, though. Yeah, okay, sure.

That’s the GOP plan. They intentionally destroy the government and make it as bad as possible then turn to their constituents and go “See???? The government can’t do anything well!”

45 seems particularly skilled at digging up these absolutely unsuitable people and putting them directly in charge of the very thing they either don’t understand or don’t like (or both).

Oh, that’s intentional. Part of the deal with Russia, I’m guessing. Fuck up America as much as possible.

This does not bode well for the C. Montgomery Burns Abortionplex and Mini-Golf Plaza (scheduled opening 2018)...

Well they’re being led by the most incompetent unfit person ever to walk into the Oval Office.

It’s amazing how they go out of their way to hire the most incompetent, most unfit person for the specific task.

lol yeah good point.

lol ain’t no forklift stocking a 5.3oz yogurt into a refrigerated well. you need a jobber for that.