Sobchak Mobile Security

He’s going to prison for money laundering. At least. Maybe even for his involvement with the Russian government/mob. It’s only a matter of time.


Just World Fallacy. You should be ashamed.

Haha! Yeah sure. You’re being logical by making assumptions based on a hypothetical situation you made up in your own mind. That’s like textbook logic or whatever. Are you for real?

Yes. Please by all means.

You don’t have to talk about Trump or blend in. Just tell everyone you’re from NY and they will apologize to you for Trump.

These men are standing up for their right to make women’s decisions for them.

That is the wide angle shot.

Greed and control. The problems are greed and the facade of freedom.

While I generally agree with your sentiment, my reply was specific to this poster’s comment.

“If I’m pissing off both sides, I figure I must be doing something right.”

Whatever man. If that’s what you think the point is, good luck with that. Just don’t be surprised when folks roll their eyes every time you speak.

Our two party political system is also a symptom. It’s a symptom of private money funding public politics and the revolving door between special interest groups and elected officials. It’s a symptom of greed. And people’s inablity to make decisions without relying on their cognitive negativity bias.

I want a lot of things. I want a house on the moon and a twelve foot dick.

Well said

Yes. Both political parties are not perfect. But one is far worse. Thinking that the degrees of responsibility are not important is beyond tone deaf.

Read up on the cognitive negativity bias that drives a lot of conservative policy. It will explain why those types of people resist progress. It’s how their brains work.

Yeah, I was in Poland 2 days after the election and Colombia in December. I think most people who aren’t American citizens know that most Americans are sad and scared too. We don’t want this shit either.

Yeah but pacifism is nothing to hide behind.

It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect. Basically ignorant people don’t realize how much they don’t know so they have an artificially inflated sense of superiority. Smart people usually come off more reserved because they’re smart enough to realize that they don’t know everything. So they seem less confident.