
Er..the lady equivalent.

I have never found him attractive. Until this moment. Then I started thinking some desperately impure thoughts about him. WHAT HAVE I BECOME?

Freaking angelic Canadians. *sigh*.
(Why the heck does the climate have to be so arctic up there? Say all the warmies with idealist dreams of migrating.)

I don’t care what KK does one way or the other, but wouldn’t it be a brilliant PR move for her to get Kanye to donate 1 million dollars to mothers living below the poverty line who get no paid maternity leave as a “push present”?

I wonder what it’s like for real money to be monopoly money to you. It just must be an entirely different sort of world and thinking.

I love them both. Also #cockroachesandcher made me burst out laughing in public.

I can admire deeply held and sincere beliefs, but when people think that those beliefs should extend to everyone and become public policy...I find that very hard to admire.

I’m not really down with championing anyone who is actively promoting an an anti-choice agenda as a “hero,” no matter what their religious beliefs.

Muslim Republicans

Serious question

YES. And I just fell down the rabbit hole of googling “fun hijabs”. Will report back soon.

I respect Bourdain’s insulting ability.

I was super into the Christian Bale of Drew Barrymore’s late teen years. I absolutely loved him as Laurie in Little Women and Jack in Newsies. The Christian Bale of right now? Hard pass.

I found this actual footage of James Baldwin responding to Lemon’s comparison:

“...I have been inundated with messages tonight as I said I would not book any muslin [sic] or Islamic client...”

Tonight’s drinking game: Every time a candidate tries to sound tough regarding Daesh without actually suggesting a plan of action, bury the drink.

Are you folks going to report on the Beirut ISIL attacks or just the ones in France?

I can’t find an image or a video, but Kate Winslet’s response reminds me of Ingrid DeForest from Eagleton telling Ben Wyatt that “we don’t like to talk about money. We find it a little gauche.”
Ben: This is a budget meeting.


She's also not doing all the dancing and running around Taylor was doing.