
The silence is a drawback because it can only target friendly minions. You can still use it on cards that benefit from being silenced but take ancient watcher for example. A 2 mana 4/5 that can’t attack. If you purify it for 2 more mana then you have spent 4 mana for a 4/5 and basically have a Chillwind Yeti that

Even if Nintendo is still not making as much off Pokemon Go as Investors thought, Nintendo is still increasing in value in other areas thanks to PoGo. The app has revitalized many people’s interest in Pokemon again, and as a result preorders for the next entries in the Pokemon series (Sun and Moon) have been topping

I don’t have Prime which is the weird part. It also brought my total to less than $50, which would normally be under the limit to get free shipping, but still gave me the free shipping anyway.

Personally, my own preorder of Overwatch from Amazon already dropped from $60 to $48.99 before it even released. Not sure if it has any relation to Battleborn, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Hey Mike, the new Hearthstone expansion comes out on Tuesday if you want to add that to the list. All hail our tentacle overlords.

“Far Harbor, Maine”. Must be Bethesda’s take on Bar Habor, Maine. A pretty big tourist destination and right next to Acadia National Park. I am excited to see Bethesda’s take on my home state.…