
More like a way to show tomorrow's skynet that we wont Efff around when it comes to world dominance, and we'll starve those power hungry resistors out.

Canon's "nifty fifty" is, albeit cheaply constructed, but for $100 that thing takes above average photos for the cheapest lens in their arsenal. Im surprised it took this long for nikon to throw together a cheapy with an autofocus motor in it.

Just wanted to take the time to tell you guys how intrusive those stupid pop up adds have ruined coming to your sight. Especially since you cant X out of them. Cash that advertising check now, but they wont want to continue when you stop getting hits.

While the fire service members appreciate the attempt to shed light on the tragic series of events that occurred that night, please make the attempt to honor and report the story accurately and completely in their memory.

Ummm.. move on to the next topic? Who reads gizmodo with their family anyhow?

We did that for Afghanistan, and we see how well that worked out for us last time.

There gets to a point where what you offer isnt as attractive as other options. AMC hasnt done anything to try to lower the price of theater admission, and i'm MORE than comfortable waiting for a new release to go to netflix or redbox and watch it on my own tv. My options are either pay $8-10 per person (me and wifey)

Gud damn aliens just threw us a kansas city shuffle. we're out there looking at the pretty lights, while theyre landing invasion forces on our flank...get your tin foil hats out boys!

I see the day I give up my desktop/laptop when I own a projector the size of a cigarette pack that projects HQ imagery on any surface I point it towards (at any size I deem) this would also be interchangeable to project 3d images. Until then you hang on to your tablet, and ill keep my devices.

I guess japan is yesterday's news now that the ipad's reviews are rolling in.

Damn Sam, why are you such a negative, angry writer? Your perception of facebook compared to aol might be accurate, but there is one thing you're completely glancing over. If facebook is "AOLifying" the internet, then they make their own bed. If facebook hasnt learned from aol's mistakes then they get too big and

I'm actually intrigued by his off the wall sometimes head scratching demeanor. He's done alot of crazy stupid crap over the years, but regrets none. The media kept leading him asking if he was ashamed of his past actions be it for himself or even for his kids. He makes no apologies for the things he has done, and he

Id rather see first hand video of a QB getting clobbered by a linebacker.

You forgot out T-Pain being hire by toshiba to remix the laptop... Its all about the processation... MEGA-GIGABYTES SON!

Selfish bitch! Take your own life if you have to but why endanger others around you. Stupid broad

@jje37: Traditionally ladders do not carry water or hose. Newer style trucks or "quints" as they call them have on board water, a pump, and maintain the same ladder compliment to qualify as a ladder co. Now adding both this conveyor system and the aerial's turntable will be interesting to see.

It angers me they can cut the price almost 17% and still profit considerably..Perhaps next time release it at a more realistic price.

@Bluecold: Ya know... Remmy wanted to be an engineer. Look where he ended up.

You dont have to threaten to leave. I simply call my provider (comcast) when I notice my current promotion has expired, and asked to either have that promotion extended, or for them to enroll me in whatever promotion is current. Threatening in my eyes just seems stupid and they know why you're calling. They will even

@imaeffinginger: While I agree that some of these comments are posted with the utmost disgust for mexicans or mexican/americans, Myself as well as the MAJORITY of comments are made purely for the humor and exploitations of someone's stereotype. I dont pick on one particular group. I often take the time to jab at those