$70 bucks for some nylon? no thx k bai
Well put, there's a number of things going wireless, and paperless have accomplished for the better. One can only hope these variables were calculated into their end of the world scenarios.
"Except—maybe you don't need 4G today."
Paging doctor faggot.... Your wanted on the bridge....
thats a biiigg shadow... looks like a preview for sim city 5,000
god damnit... I just bought a sidewinder!
@Azu-nyan: but bacon DOES make everything taste better... kinda like adding cheese... but 10x better.
looks like that oil resurfaced...
or you can buy a droid ; )
So then PD shouldnt take craps while theyre on duty... that makes them unavailable to take calls...no? Why sex...why stop there? ; ) just saying
This thing is a battery HOG... Kept my D1 hot to the touch and sucked the battery life down... Great app, needs power improvements.. Can't believe that was left out.
"But then again, why make the planes with a cockpit when they can save millions by taking out sophisticated instrumentation and life support systems?"
@EthanPeter: I dig the glove
The possibilities WOULD have ended. Jobs woulda had sewed up and making more dough while screwing over their fan base. Ohhhhh Nooeess
Didn't one of the more profitable dev's make a statement a month or so back saying that yes it's difficult to sell your apps in the market, but if you bring a worthy product to the table you can more than make up the loss of revenue for selling them in advertising dollars.