
For some reason there are people who have an irrational hatred of cyclists. Like a lot of things humans do, it makes no sense.

Trump is what I would call a part of the “Regressive” Party.

A deforming part is a moving part. So it has ONE moving part not none.

If they did that it would be an imperfect test because it would not be testing real launch conditions.

The video’s experiment points to post cavitation rebound. I used to do this all the time when I worked in a bar. The other fun trick was taking empty 100+ proof bottles, running hot water over them, and then throwing a match in the neck. The inside lights up and a flame jets out the top with a high whistle. Good

I’ve never heard of this trick, but without watching the video, my guess is cavitation.

They’re cheap enough to try out, but as much as it pains me to suggest this, you my be better served by going with a quartz.

They’re cheap enough to try out, but as much as it pains me to suggest this, you my be better served by going with a

Rightfully so.

Rightfully so.

please don’t drone me mark

Although, arguably, less overtly so...

Smart enough to find a credit card skimmer, can’t film in landscape.

You should definitely change:
“and then they’re going to take out its parachute and see what happens.”

Isn’t that called first class? :P