
@Statistical: Uranium doesn't occur abundantly in nature, but it is a viable form of harness-able energy. o.O

Errrm. Is this just THC or canabanoids (spelling?) too?

Question for you folks..

"...actively censors terms including BitTorrent, torrent, utorrent, RapidShare and Megaupload from its instant and autocomplete services."

@ithrewitontheground: Matter is neither created nor destroyed simply... 8th grade science class'd.

Please please please don't write an article about their chicken!

@Debra Fauvor: True in a way... but if your allergic to wheat/oats, why are you eating a tortilla?

@rickspies: I get approved like 5 times a week. It happens to the best of us!

This is the first time I wish I could actually buy an app instead of getting it for free. I want those developers to have my $1.00.

Sorbet? To me it tastes more like semi-frozen orange juice.

@Jared Kent: I place my tv remotes buttons down.. then they never slip.

@aek8: If I could promote this, I would. Completely Agree.

This article has the most negative comments I've ever seen. OBVIOUSLY the phone is floating in mid-air, and holding it would mess up the controls shown. But if it took you 2 seconds to think of that flaw, why would the developers not think of it? They could simply design in so it ignores non-moving touches, or have 1

Did anyone else just log out and try to make a new Gizmodo account? ;)

@a.seivewright: Remember Remember the 5th (6th?) of November.