
This also works to soften up brown sugar!

I don't know if accepting a friend request is really fooling someone. I don't understand the big deal people have about adding friends on facebook.. What possible information can they get? Your name? Cell #? e-mail?

I have extreme trouble falling asleep, its generally 1.5 hrs a night laying in bed awake.

Woah hey there. I can use other bags rather than only brown bags to place my lunch in?

Very clever my friend.


There seems to be quite a few words that I have no idea what they mean. But I'm deathly afraid to google them.

*Jesus Christ* this is out of control. I mean *JesusChrist.* Ughhh. *Got Jesus*? I keep getting so unluc*ky*.

It is fair to say violence is wrong for both sides and in a perfect world we wouldn't have any. But reversing the argument.. makes sense. Haha. I do suppose violence against protest could be called a reasonable price for getting out their message.

BOOM. 71 thousands years to crack my password.

I do support the use of nonlethal things like this to break up violent things like riots and whatnot. And thank you for a thought out, logical response! (Not sarcastic, I actually do appreciate it).

WAIT! Two policemen /might have/ been cut at a protest that has movements across the country? Jesus. Is this the price our community's protectors must pay for the American peoples' voices be heard? What has this world come too.. The horror... THE HORROR!

You completely tricked me right there.


For those of you in Colorado like me, A Basin opens in about... 12 hours!!

Wanted to say I greatly appreciate all the links and evidence/articles. Thank you! Heart'd.

I was hoping someone would try and dispute a that quote. OBVIOUSLY you should not be drinking ridiculous amounts of water. I see your quote, and raise you one quote: "Would I do this if I wasn't hung over?"

Winterboard and its themes are generally pretty bad, but for figuring out the rest.. I've no idea. :)

Yes, lets stand over his non-moving body and discuss what just happened. Absolutely not, we should not check if he is alright. What are you, a compassionate human being? You disgust me.