
@badasscat: General Atomics is the evolution of General Electric? =D

Here comes another web trend.. Back to my cave ;(

This title is a joke. I was hoping for a Chris Mcandless style $418 dollar epic journey. Instead I find the man hasn't done it yet, and it took a year(s) to prepare. Meh. If I put hours and hours of time into one thing, I'm sure I'd find some "hack."

@lucasway89: "That's a shame for you, sometimes it's nice to just watch some eye candy with little POT."

@DDigital: Exactly what I was thinking. Picture Shia in Transformers, and picture him in Disturbia. Its the same exact "character."

@kyre: When did they demand that? Wikileaks claims to not be behind the attacks. Even if Wikileaks is behind the attacks, they don't want their philosophy to be universal. WL wants government transparency, the support of big companies would obviously be helpful, but they are not demanding that support.

@sammy baby: I just saw this on facebook, its absolutely incredible.

This recipe looks amazing. I hate to be the dumb American, but can anyone give me the ingredient amounts in the American System? (Is that what its called?) I attempted to convert it... but failed miserably. Thank you!