Soap Star Joe

He apparently was told to take off his headphones while they played the clip, so it’s not like he had his eyeballs pinned open and was forced to watch.

I would guess that he had just run a pretty major gauntlet of press dates and was tired, even before he sat down for a marathon interview with Terry Gross.

This really

I am not interested in the conversations that arise from guests using my bathroom and seeing a seven pound roll of toilet paper in there.

I am not interested in the conversations that arise from guests using my bathroom and seeing a seven pound roll of

The whole reason he did Knives Out was because he couldn’t convince Lucasfilm to put Luke Skywalker into chunky sweaters in The Last Jedi.

Hey, Goldeneye was good. It’s a shame they never made another Pierce Brosnan movie after that.

Hey, Goldeneye was good. It’s a shame they never made another Pierce Brosnan movie after that.

Your next wife will make better choices.

Those people have clearly never seen James Bond go undercover as a circus clown.

Per Rotten Tomatoes, it’s middle of the pack, but nowhere near its worst.

Twitter was a much different place in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

It’s not the device, it’s Kinja.

It’s Pong. 

I love them both.

I thought TFA was a necessary reset to show that they understood the series’ appeal after the prequels set dumpsters on fire.

I thought TLJ was the first time the franchise had actually stretched, intellectually or artistically, since Empire.

I still maintain that a subtle problem with GoT was the audience’s expectation that foreign invader Danny would be greeted as a hero & liberator by the folks of Westeros and embraced as a returning Queen, despite a long history of solving every conflict through fire.

Calling it “Game of Thrones syndrome” makes it seem like the fans weren’t rationally upset with the final season.

I thought there were good elements of the last two seasons, but Grant is guzzling the Kool-Aid if he thinks that show came anywhere close to sticking the landing.

Buttigieg looks like a Dr. Seuss villager.

The linked tweet won’t show up on all mobile devices.

It was horrible how she was forced to sign on to play this role without seeing a script or having the chance to talk about her character’s arc or anything else.

Oh, wait.

Eastwood, the screenwriter (who is also a real piece of work), the editors and Wilde should be held responsible.

No one pulled a gun on Wilde and told her to sign up for this movie. And no one has suggested this wasn’t in the script when she agreed to be in the film.

But yes, Eastwood in particular needs to be asked

They insult man-children in their film. A film that was, presumably, finished before the controversy.

Of course, Back to the Future is literally one of the few franchises that could most easily accommodate sequels indefinitely.

I have questions about how you’re eating your pizza in that case.