Does that subscription not also give you full access to their website with up to the minute news?
Does that subscription not also give you full access to their website with up to the minute news?
The European Union or individual European states keep toying with this idea, as I recall.
Sadly, that description makes it very easy to guess your county, since there’s so few areas with two robust papers left.
Podcasts need a pretty significant audience before they produce meaningful ad revenue. If you’re doing something of national interest, you can get there, but a podcast about Topeka education news, probably not.
And once the public figured out what branded content was, they turned against it pretty hard. I think most…
I don’t know where you live, but go look at your local newspaper. Which political party is the school district coverage shilling for? Which party is being shilled for when they talk about the terrible traffic collision on the freeway that tied up traffic during rush hour?
National publications will be fine -- most of…
Aggregators can only function so long as they can parasitically pass along someone else’s labor for little or no cost. The eco-system is dying in part because the sites they were aggregating are going under. (It costs real money to report, rather than aggregate.)
They have. Didn’t work.
“The media” isn’t the national media. The national media is only a fraction of the entire media landscape and, given the way advertising works, is the segment most likely to survive this die-off.
The local media, which couldn’t give two shits about Trump, other than the fact that he’s fucked up the front page again,…
Please don’t be talking about the LA Weekly ...
Wire services cost a ton. Your hometown newspaper, once it realized it existed in a world where people could get state, national and international news from other outlets (i.e. when broadcasting became a thing) should have shifted those funds toward hiring more local reporters.
I would argue that every city government…
If the online advertising monopoly was somehow broken (and I’m not sure I can see a way to prevent businesses from choosing to advertise where their dollars will go the farthest), it would change publications’ outlook overnight.
The Athletic is burning through a crazy amount of venture capital and could very well be…
The Berkshire Hathaways, troncs, Alden Global Capitals and so on wouldn’t have been able to buy all those papers if they weren’t already distressed.
They’re the metastatic cancer, not the original cancer that was going to kill the patient either way.
Which national publication is going to keep an eye on what’s going on in Grand Forks? Do we basically decide that all city, county and state governments should run without oversight?
Because if the Los Angeles Times couldn’t be bothered to check in on Bell, California, for 10 years while corruption grew to epic levels,…
It’s all about print advertising revenue declining (classified advertising revenue essentially vanished from newspapers when Craigslist came along and no one in the newspaper industry took it seriously until it ate 99 percent of the market).
Today, many newspapers are back to circulation providing the largest chunk of…
Things won’t “change over time” here.
Journalism isn’t something that can be crowd-sourced by reposting press releases from government agencies on social media.
Spending eight hours at a local government meeting is boring and requires a shitload of specialized knowledge to be able to explain what the hell was going on…
None of this has to do with slant. Newspapers across the ideological spectrum are having the same problems. They’re lesser at national-level publications that can get advertising from across the nation, but it’s a print advertising vs. online advertising problem.
Print advertising brings in a ton of revenue, even now,…
Print ad revenue has been dropping since the early 1980s, when commuters switched to cars and there was no longer a market for both morning and afternoon papers in a metro area.
Then, in the mid-1990s, news started being given away online for free — which was inevitable, since portals like Yahoo! bought AP feeds and…
Why would cities not just have social media specialists posts their press releases to their city, fire department and police department websites and Facebook pages?
Most municipalities aren’t enthusiastic about robust local news coverage, even if they aren’t openly hostile to it.
I put more than just salt in them, which is how I read your previous post.
I think we need to talk to you about your hamburgers.