
I know that area - looked at some new construction at the end of the street a couple of years ago. It’s a pretty crappy neighborhood with some nice-isa new construction on it and hardly Prospect Heights. Nothing but dodgy tire stores, car washes, and self storage warehouses on Atlantic there and you are a decent

We looked into building a house instead of buying one, because hey, who wouldn’t live a house tailored to themselves? I have absolutely no idea how people afford it.

Nitpick: you mean the majority of people buying new construction are morons.

That’s boarding. Straight up. Can’t hit a guy in the #s when he’s facing the boards. Should’ve been 5 minutes and a game misconduct. Referees in the NHL have a tough job, but that’s an amazing missed call. Plus it was Tom Wilson going after the player in a defenseless position, so their radar should’ve been up.

How was that clean? Wilson put his shoulder into the number on Moore’s back, thereby driving Moore’s face into the glass. That’s boarding, and given the injury, Wilson is probably going to have a little chat with Player Safety to start off 2017.