soapbox aria

I just... don’t get it. Does Jared hold a patent on the $5 Combo Deal or something? What is the point of trying to go to bat for this guy? What does he bring to the business that is so vital that you’d risk covering up a crime so universally abhorrent and repulsive?

I didn’t watch the Emmy’s last night but I saw this on Buzzfeed along with a lot of audience reactions and Melissa McCarthy’s face was definitely mine.

I am going to be that guy- This has nothing to do with the First Amendment. She is free to say Trump is a racist. And ESPN, a private company, is free to fire her/punish her/do nothing to her if it feels like it.

Remember, calling a white person racist (even if everything they do is racist) is the worst speech offense you can commit. Donald Trump can call Mexicans rapists, he can tell people that only Jews should count money, he can be sued for racial discrimination against black people, and he’ll still be elected president.

In the end, JLaw got her revenge ;)

Eyeroll. No shit an actress who’s just starting out and doing small guest roles really wanted a lead part on a series. Doesn’t mean you were making great art, dude.

You’re accusing everyone else of essentially making shit up based on biases and yet your posts read like fan fiction based on what some dipshit’s dad said.

Seriously. People randomly hanging out in cars, blasting music at 3am, are usually drunk, high, or up to some shit. Usually a combination of the three. If this had been a couple of black women I’m sure the usually ‘not racists’ would be all over the place with assumptions. They were thugs, they should have just walked

That you’re being stalked by a homeless guy and your friend can’t get to her car. Works really well for white women, and even if it doesn’t, an attempt to contact the authorities shows good faith in trying to avoid a conflict. But she had a gun and no one was going to tell her she couldn’t use it.

This isn’t about getting back together; it’s about his desire to have contact with her whenever he wants, however he wants simply because he wants it. He doesn’t care that he divorced her via text because he did what he did because he wanted to at the time.

Oh, my god! They combined them in the same parking lot, then? Where can I read more about the great Pizza Wars?!?!

this one is particularly noteworthy, i feel, given the concurrent burger festival with an absolute absence of burgers
apparently the burger people started trying to eat the pizza and kept getting shoed away by the servers and harassed by the pizza people and that really takes it all to another level imo

She hears Clinton is running for President so she decides to check on the morals of the husband of Clinton’s assistant? What does one have to do with the other?

Houseplants have been popular since at least the Roman times, so I’m not sure rain-forest loss has much to do with it.

It’s also really good for your mental health... I mean, not disputing anything you said, but studies show that having plants around is good for you.

I’m sure she’ll be rejected again.

That’s kind of what I mean. She seems like a person lost, with no true sense of self, because she’s so image focused. She’d have to find a genuine self first in order to share it and the first step is awareness.

The interviewer notes that Linton had to be persuaded to pose in “beautiful dresses,”

He was unlikely to know it was a reserve officer. The guy was on fire so they didn’t rifle his pockets at the scene. The officer was going to do the blood draw - that’s his job. My guess - so he could adulterate the sample, hence his desperation to get it done fast so that there could be no doubts raised about