Hard pass.
Hard pass.
grandson is the new many-times-removed nephew
I was going to say, for such a blah song the video is kinda great.
Don’t get me started on superhero casting of British people to play iconic American roles.
If we’re going to be precise, Bond should be Scottish, not English. He’s established as Scottish in the novel You Only Live Twice.
The whole thing played without buffering ❤️
She grew up in a castle her dad bought at a bankruptcy auction after it went decades in disrepair, and turned into a below-middling hotel/event space. This isn’t some grand upbringing, well, not as grand as she’d like you to think and probably told everyone at school, and does indeed put her in the column of…
Holy shit, it is. I thought you were joking, but it’s totally an acrostic. I guess that’s what happens when you get a bunch of arts majors to write a resignation letter.
I am completely perplexed as to why Hemsworth would be intimidated by Pratt. Pratt is the worst of the Chrises.
She’s a Megyn Kelly feminist. She understands women’s issues only and exclusively when she has an issue (e.g. Maternity leave). When it doesn’t affect her personally, she’s basically as feminist as Rush Limbaugh.
I have a feeling if you asked Delgado which she’d prefer - $5 given to her directly, or guaranteed economic security for for all children of single mothers...she’d snatch the $5 out of your hand and run away as fast as she could in her seven inch spike heels.
This picture really highlights that phenomenon. Like, if you showed this photo to an alien or a robot and said “point to the person who is a member of the superior race,” it would definitely not be any of those assholes on the left side of the photo.
The sad thing is that it seems like he was likely using the same passive white people speak, to not sound racist, on his own mother:
“No mom, it’s a party that supports Trump, he’s the president, he can’t be racist!”
“No mom, I have a black friend, so I’m down with black people.”
“No mom, it’s not about the KKK, that’s…
Yeah, this is the testimony that I’d like to see more people focus on. It doesn’t seem at all surprising to me that Taylor Swift came prepared to stand up for herself against cross-examination from the plaintiff’s lawyer. Everything about how she and her team have handled her career to date showed that she would…
I think there was a lot of staging going on. From the photos it seems like almost everything even remotely personal has been removed, and she can’t have lived there like that. And then the stager instructed their assistant(s), “cover everything you can in white, the potential buyers can more easily envision how they’d…
This part from Andrea Swift’s testimony made me so sad because of how true it is.
My mom will never believe this. She thinks the Chinese are all submissive, quiet intellectuals who are Confucius experts. (She’s only met academics.)
I get the impression these authors watched Shogun or Mortal Kombat and took their assumptions about Asians from there.