soapbox aria

Probably works in marketing for a tech startup.

In general, i agree, though as with all regulations (even the best and most necessarily ones), this rule can lead to outcomes that are unfortunate. That’s not an argument against the rule, it’s just the truth. This country may be plagued with over-sentencing for a ton of different crimes, but selling six of your

I’d kill to have my kid feel that way about me tbh. The way I see people blame their mothers on this site makes it seem like all mothers are awful. It feels inevitable my kid will someday hate me.

He’s on Social Security due to his IQ and she not working either and they only have a home due to the parents of the father.

My friends are foster parents and recently adopted a 5 1/2 year old whom they first got when she was about 3 1/2. The child’s biological mother is lower IQ and I have to say that the little girl is probably better off in this case. When she came to them, she was behind in things like language, motor, and social

I read the longer article in the local paper and they self report as having taken every single training suggested and more. I admit to skimming this blog. Shew as raising her older children-twins-when she lost custody of her first infant. That said, she was living with her father, her father had been caregiver to the

According to this article, this is her 4th child and third pregnancy.

I’ll defer judgement to the mother’s father who is likely been caring for the twins before the arrival of the other two children. Having been involved in social services, I see lots of grandparents and relatives who are stuck doing the majority of the work when parents fall short, and those supplimental caregivers

That’s why it’s the low calorie version.

They reproduced. The whole point of Eugenics is to stop that process. I’m a Vermonter, I know these things.

No offense but unless we have the details of the case, we have no idea what occurred or why. Parents always run to the media and they are very often telling us what we want to hear. In the UK where I am, one family put up such a stink that they actually managed to sue and win an apology against the social workers

Eugenics-lite. Oregon is such an interesting hodge podge of crazy.

I’m willing to give her a pass because she’s young and to an extent, does not seem to fully understand the impact Trump can make against her sister.

As someone who grew up parroting her parents’ dumb conservative-ish viewpoints until college, I wouldn’t really blame the kids.

I’ve lost a lot of respect for him, and my sympathy is limited especially in light of the fact that he’s got full health insurance and won’t have to worry that his illness, treatments, and hospitalizations will bankrupt his family, yet he is okay with taking healthcare away from millions much less able to pay out of

No. I don’t care how much the guy sucks, I wouldn’t wish glioblastoma on anyone. It took my grandmother in six months and it’s awful.

Sarah Palin was more a stopgap to try and rein control over the increasingly toxic elements of the Party.

My asshole ex has this same thing.

These are some of the most successful and highly compensated prosecutors in the country. They’re not doing this for no reason.

I don’t know.