soapbox aria

Jared Kushner will be frustrated. He had “fixing the opioid epidemic” on his to-do list for Wednesday afternoon (between “defeat ISIS” at 11:30 AM and “renegotiate NAFTA” by 1:15 PM.) now he’ll have to find something else to do for that hour and a half.

Joan Crawford may be dead but I see that her spirit lives on.

Every year Cinco de Mayo gets worse and worse. My family comes from the Puebla City area from what I can tell, being there during that time period.


No, because that is a delightful movie, not a dumb movie.

Anything with Luke Evans.

You can say that Sarandon didn’t contribute to Trump’s election, and I think a strong case can be made that nobody listens to her.

I mean, that was stupid and all, but she didn’t contribute to the rapid erosions of civil rights in America, the next major economic crash, the (possible) start of any wars, or an environmental catastrophe of unimaginable scale.

I made thousands and thousands of calls during the election. Not wanting to vote for a woman was a real thing. And it didn’t just come from men. I spoke to many, many women who were just not comfortable with a woman holding that position. It hurt me every single time.

Except that’s not true. Bernie won the swing states of Michigan and Wisconsin. Hillary carried Ohio, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania. Should more attention have been paid to those Michigan and Wisconsin upsets? Absolutely. But let’s stop pretending she only won the South. Those southern states

This is the book I want to read. Call it “I Just Don’t Like Her For Some Reason,” and the last chapter should just be the words Institutionalized Sexism over and over.

There’s a movie idea for someone - a soldier from a post-apocalyptic future has to travel back to the past and prevent the Cubs from winning the World Series, because their victory ripped a hole in the fabric of reality and brought about the End Times.

Oh sure, mommy issues played a HUGE role in it as well. See the “Sanders would have won” faction.

Okay this confuses me. I’ve heard people say she should have picked a pro-labor, anti-free trade person in order to pick up the “Bernie” crowd; except then people turn around and insist it wasn’t independents/far-left people who “lost” Clinton the presidency, it was college-educated white folks that should have been

Also, when the Cubs won the world series. that was a warning that things were happening that normally would be impossible.

It felt like every Trump gaffe, all 11,0000 of them, barely moved the needle, while any time Clinton stumbled a little bit, it was a huge swing in Trump’s direction. Almost as if voters just needed a reason, any reason, not to vote for her.

This may just be my existential despair talking, but most of the time I feel like nothing she could have done would have made a difference. We still would have ended up with the Cheeto in Chief because everybody is sexist and racist and life is terrible and we’re all going to die. 

Can this be the judge???

The most heartbreaking part about this whole saga is that it may have forced a mediocre white tech dude to admit that he can’t do everything. I mean, can you imagine the pathos of that moment, when he realized that his misguided bravado and the penis swinging between his legs just weren’t enough anymore?