soapbox aria

I bet Chris Pratt’s PR company have a red emergency Bat-phone that goes off what he’s going too Jesus-y, and a crack team swoops down to the Marvel message boards to create distractions.

She was unequivocal about her support for reproductive rights. And although her support for downticket Dems is one of the reasons I preferred her to Bernie, I trust that her support of abortion rights is stronger even than her support of a mayoral candidate in fucking Omaha.

Then why did you post it if it’s not some kind of excuse for him? And that rating is based on a few very specific things, it does not encompass everything any of the politicians have done.

Apparently throwing reproductive rights under the bus is a-ok for Bernie when it suits his agenda. But Jon Ossoff, a young, bright Dem in a ruby red district that, if he were to win, could potentially have seismic ramifications is a bridge too far for Bernie to get behind. All because Ossoff is running in an affluent

All started when he called Planned Parenthood part of the “establishment.” He doesn’t give a fuck about women’s healthcare.

fucking right though

I loved D’Fwan so much. After Kimmy came out, I went to IMDB and was shocked to see he was only in four episodes of 30 Rock- it felt like he was around much more.

No she made a gagging noise, and invited the married gay couple into her house :)

I kinda envy the deplorables. Being that stupid means they don’t have a care in the world.

Well, what you’re talking about is a real thing, too: The more time people spend with each other, the more they mirror each other’s facial expressions (largely to express sympathy, but also because of simple influence), causing their facial muscles to gradually morph in similar ways.

I sort of see it as Tracey gets into these outrageous situations because she seriously doesn’t know/hasn’t been exposed to the things she’s curious about, much in the way that Kimmy gets into bizarre situations because she doesn’t know/hasn’t been exposed to things.

Tracey has the kind of has the wide-eyed innocence of Kimmy Schmidt. The show definitely has a goofiness/outrageousness factor that Insecure doesn’t have. I love both shows equally!

To be fair, Coachella Valley is hella flat, and all Tollett knows about Kate Bush is that she likes to run up hills. He probably just thought she’d be bored.

Okay, that does it. We are officially living in the Onionest Timeline.

The pilot was a super-cute period piece and I’ll watch the episodes just to see where Alex Borstein takes her character. The pilot, at least, seemed to scratch the surface of those late 50s to mid 70s feelings of “I’ve been the perfect wife, I’ve done everything I was supposed to do, and yet here I am.”

This was my favorite in the pilot run. I’m so glad it was picked. Also, I didn’t know the actress was Rachael from House of Cards.

It’s not right, but they do stuff like this all the time. They routinely oversell, which I guess is because some number of passengers miss planes for whatever reasons--sometimes because they cancel last minute, sometimes because they don’t make connections, sometimes because they miss planes. I’ve been told (when

From what I read they needed the employees for another flight in St Louis, so it wasn’t the employees being insistent about travelling, it was United.

Here’s the thing: No team’s primary logo currently features a raptor. So, if that’s out and we’re left to choose from the teams that actually have animals in their logos, the closest to peaking 75 million years ago is... a hornet?

What infuriates me is that what she learned from all of this is that she thinks she shouldn’t have voted at all. Really? With hindsight, you don’t wish you had exercised your right to vote for someone whose administration probably wouldn’t have ended up encouraging the type of ICE deportations that resulted in tearing