Yeah, he’s kinda the only character i still consistently enjoyed by the end. I’d watch a Winston/Cici/Ferguson/Ali show though.
Yeah, he’s kinda the only character i still consistently enjoyed by the end. I’d watch a Winston/Cici/Ferguson/Ali show though.
I would 100% be on board for an epilogue season. I would love to see Winston and Aly’s wedding, and Winston meeting his father and Furguson’s reluctance to have that relationship. Schmidt as a neurotic father. Nick and Jess getting some proper resolution, and Nick navigating becoming a successful children’s author so…
YES! And both Reagan and Robbie (sp?) were really wonderful partners for each of them until the writers needed to come up with reasons why they wouldn’t work. I felt like they had to invent reasons for Nick and Jess to not be with them (despite being very happy previously) while all the reasons that Nick and Jess…
That was the finale?! I’m not ready to say goodbye to Winston 😭
This was one of those shows* where the chemistry of the main players was so fantastic that it elevated the show beyond where the writing alone (which was fine, don’t get me wrong) would have taken it. (see also Happy Endings and, going way back, That 70s Show (which would have been HORRIBLE if the actors hadn’t…
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in an exploration of what that truly means to live life unbounded, unfiltered and uninhibited.”
Sometimes when I see ridiculous commercials, I try to imagine what that pitch meeting must have been like, and I feel like the phrase “protest is the new brunch” was uttered in this one.
It’s not subjective: the reason Dana Schuz is academically/professionally important, and the subject of exhibitions in New York and worldwide is because of the formal aspects of her work. This is what art criticism (worldwide) of Schutz is focused on: the process-driven aspect of the paintings, the gestures, the…
Yeah, no, I still got nothing. They just sound like two pop songs written in the same key and time signature.
He is which means he was likely planning on closing the show with a final Matt Damon joke. Clearly when shit hit the fan he got up quick and ran back on stage.
I like how David Oyelowo is like, “y’all white folks ain’t gonna freak out too badly, are you?”
In my mind, David Oyelowo is looking at Kimmel to see if he pulled this fuck shit- because that’s one of the many thoughts that rushed through my mind when all this was going down.
He really should play a Civil War general in his next film. The hair and make-up team could coast through it.
Grassroots support in the sense that a guy who isn’t even a democrat spammed his old email list due to an ongoing grudge?
Can’t wait for the Jill Stein voters to say this validates their votes in 2016, and refuse to support efforts to elect Democrats in 2018, because, really, when you come right down to it, Trump’s policies don’t really affect them very much.
The American right spent 40 years courting and nurturing hate and divisiveness and now their next gen stars are scaring even them. It’s rather entertaining to watch Republicans now, like alligators eating their own spawn.
And it’s not like this is a high risk film than needs a star. You are remaking Beauty and the Beast. People are buying tickets off that alone, regardless of the actor.