The real question: How is Sisqo - fake or otherwise - still famous enough to warrant a front row seat at a Vivienne Tam show?
The real question: How is Sisqo - fake or otherwise - still famous enough to warrant a front row seat at a Vivienne Tam show?
Especially since Van Jones and Ana Navarro are pundits, not reporters. Navarro is clearly in the Republican establishment and Van Jones is on the left. They’re supposed to hate Trump. That’s their fucking job.
I think Tom THINKS he is a PR genius, but is really a sad man. Most of the people in my social media sphere who had major league Hiddlesthirst cooled their jets considerably after the whole Swift debacle. He has also (according to the gossip pages) been dropped out of all Bond consideration and even Armani was very…
Sun goddess....or you, know, halo. She very much married Christian Mary iconography and fertility goddess stuff, which was beautiful to watch. The whole time I felt like only Beyonce can get away with portraying herself as Mary and a goddess being worshiped, though. I actually really liked it, but my FB feed was full…
They’ll still sell her junk (along with her dad’s easy D*) on the racks, because discount stores sell everything eventually, but they’re not marketing it as special. Now it’s just the overstock prior season crap that they always sell.
What the fuck is EASY D?!?
Her clothes are boxy and short-waisted, with weird zippers and gold accents. I’ve come across things and tried them on out of curiosity but they all looked bad on me. There was one dress I liked on the hanger but when I put it on the waist came up two inches below my boobs and then sprang out from there. I looked…
I love his assertion that her being ‘a great person’ (citation needed) has any bearing on Nordstrom carrying her line. They cut it because it didn’t sell, and Nordstrom is a business, it wouldn’t matter if it was Mother Teresa’s line.
Halfway through the article (and thank you Bobby for pointing me towards this gift) and there is NO WAY that Hiddles’ family is ‘solidly middle class’. I hate the way English rich people always insist that they’re ‘middle class’ because they struggled to send their kids to Eton. If you can send your kids to Eton on…
Toomey was re-elected last year. He’s not up until 2022.
Mike Pence is pretty much the defecto leader of the American Taliban. Her blonde hair helmet is essentially the burqa of rich, white women.
All of my exes must be THRIVING in life right now.
I don’t believe that, they also said he had a degree in Architecture. They tell lies for no reason.
My brother-in-law ALWAYS brings that up.
English is evidently not one of them. ABBA’s English was better when in they were singing it all phonetically!
Because it’s hard to see into those squinty ass eyes and see that there’s no soul inside there.
When his term ends, this is going to be one vilified and embarrassed family.
*This is like the only defense I ever hear people use with this woman.
Obama should partner with a manufacturer to release an actual ObamaPhone just to rustle some jimmies.
I don’t get why people want to cut her slack. She’s totally evil too, and complicit in this shitstorm.