Soap is Not My Thing

I read that at first a “a running period” and my thought was “Eessh, TMI.” 

nobody else is going to get indicted. The Trump family will literally never face any consequences for their bad deeds. The public will never see the full report. The End

After having lived in Lisbon for few years, and after reading plenty of stuff of the US, I’d heartily recommend every sane American to just book a one-way ticket.

After having lived in Lisbon for few years, and after reading plenty of stuff of the US, I’d heartily recommend

Read the fuckin’ blog MrSugarPenis

Considering that the road team, Minneapolis Roosevelt High School, has a predominantly black student body and has been staying in the locker room during the national anthem for their previous games, this would seem like more than some good-natured ribbing.

yeah bitch, star and move on

+1 Foods that end in "amburger"

“Man, I feel like an outcast.”

With her abysmal ratings, it’s likely no one did see it coming. 



This comment is perfect. Thank you for that good laugh.

I love that Tucker’s serious face is the human equivalent of a dog discovering that you did not in fact, throw that ball.

If there was another Chappelle-style racial draft, the black delegation would have traded Kanye away immediately. We’re asking nothing in return. We’ll throw in a second-round pick if you take him.

Hey tomato boy, you lost all moral standing when a political party has been continuing to cage babies and sell them off to adoption when they were publicly shamed for doing it.

Michigan Fullback Reminds The World That Some White Men Can Jump

All of this stuff with New Horizons just blows my mind. I just hope Space Force will be able to defend this rock against the Russians or Democrats or Fake news.

No, it’s Elon Musk.

Here’s a much bigger story: Earlier today, two tankers collided in the Pacific Ocean. One was full of red paint; the other was full of purple paint.

Looks like we've all learned something today.